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Reviews for "Arzea"

The entire game feels like something you would play in one sitting, waiting for someone to drop by. That's not a bad thing, but I also have a bit of nitpickings with this game. The character animation is dull. Just plain dull. Two stubs for legs and a giant blue coat gets annoying to look at after a while.

The gameplay feels great. Steering through the air to dodge (what look like) Ninja stars while shooting in a parallel direction just has a spectacular feel to it. I like the dash of Metroid exploration you added in there. Searching for spells so my MC can get home lets me know that the game's map is large indeed. Another thing, were you by any chance inspired by Level Up? The level design seems weirdly familiar. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should give that game a try.

Quite Good, one thing though, I quit it, then continue and my map was unexplored again!?

100% completion, level 94, 15 deaths (mostly with that damn lava).
The game is very well made, in terms of adventuring and platforming are concerned you've made a must play game. The enemies are interesting and fun to fight, and the upgrades you get are very cool.

The only complaint I have is that it is easy. VERY easy. Once you get the douse/bubble spell and are at level 20 you won't have to worry about dieing ever again unless you get careless. Once you reach level 40 you can destroy the block enemies that move back and forth, and your charge shot will get to max in a second. All you have to do is spray bubbles everywhere and watch everything get one shotted. Of the three boss fights, the first two where cake. The end boss was ridiculously easy for me, but I was a bit overleveled so I shouldn't complain.
The secrets where way to easy to find, other then one or two that required an awkward jump, or that you had to back trap to get I had no trouble finding. So long as you walk along the obvious cuts into the landscape, you'll find most every mysterious fragment and power upgrade.
There are only three songs, one for the main menu, the overworld, and for the boss fights. They are all very good, and didn't get old no matter how many times I heard them.
In short, this game is easy but very fun. With over 2 hours of gameplay, every second was worth it :D.

It took me until like level 30 before I knew there was a map - that would have been very helpful to mention, because I got lost very easily wondering, "Now what did THAT key open?" I think the boss fights were both too hard - I don't consider myself a slouch, and I died about 5 times each boss battle. I think the mechanics worked well and they were interesting, although once I got the spell SHOCK I just spammed that every opportunity I got until things were dead. I also think the save point full-heal is too good, and I would suggest having to go to a new save point to get that full-heal - not being able to use the same save point multiple times to full heal. Overall, once I found the map, the game was very enjoyable. Thanks.

It was fun to play, for sure... a bit easy, though. I only died twice, and both times the death was caused by lava. One of those deaths was intentional, too; I wanted to see if lava was an instant kill, so I deliberately jumped into some. Because the map is rather expansive, it would have been nice to have a more helpful map display; the in-game map was only marginally helpful, especially after beating the game and having large portions of it wiped out. I have to wonder if a level cap exists, though; I am currently at level 104, and I am still able to earn EXP and level up. My spells charge almost instantly and do severe damage; the final boss is a pushover with spell #6 (I forget what it's called). The water spell is my favourite, though... excellent crowd control, even if it's unpredictable.

One thing I liked was giving the player the ability to gain new skills as he leveled up, even if those skills aren't made immediately apparent. What I'm referring to is the ability to kill the boxes and the enemies that are sort of circular and shoot out tons of bullets. At first, the boxes are unkillable, and the circular enemies can only be killed by one specific element as indicated by their colour. But, at some point, the boxes become vulnerable and can be killed, and the circular enemies can be killed by any spell. It was definitely helpful adding those abilities into the game, as it made trekking from one end of the map and back searching for powerups and fragments much easier.

Overall, a pretty fun game, even if the story is a bit lacking.