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Reviews for "redemption"

really fucking nice song.
drums are super brittle and barely present in the mix though. this isn't in itself a bad thing, but the samples themselves don't convey the tone that you wanted them to, y'know what i mean? would've been AMAZING to have a really big drum climax imo, especially since that last synth solo section into the second lot of vox is so intense, and that trancey crash sound is GIGANTIC compared to the rest of the drums.

anyway, i love what you've done with all the different polyrhythmic delays. the synth work is a lot more delicate this time around but at the same time i love how you've kind of orchestrated everything and transitioned so thoughtfully between sections. great work on the vox, too. piano is really nicely voiced, love the soft bass notes.

i feel like the reverb is kinda washy, especially in the children-playing part. that whole set of sound effects there is kinda... well i think "obnoxious" is too harsh, maybe just not subtle enough i guess? but i appreciate the storytelling aspect of it.

Love, love, love the intro here. It sets a very calm mood, almost retrospective. Your chord progression is beautiful too, and that synth that carries everything is beautiful.
I personally didn’t understand the sequence that came after the intro; it seemed almost silly with the wavering synth, like a “spooky graveyard” kind of synth that came outta nowhere. I like your Rhodes that play around 1:45, and then we get back to that warm piano + strings combo that is beautiful.
I think everything besides the beat was amazing. Ethereal’s voice as usual is smooth and wonderful, but I would have loved to hear how it originally sounded. I realize this is trance, but the beat made the other instruments take a backseat, whereas it might have done wonders to make your synths shine.
Your piano is gorgeous. Hearing it just makes everything better. I also gave high marks for the way you chose to end your piece here. Very clean, and not often do I hear a song that doesn’t fade off or just abruptly end. You closed it out nicely.
This may be one of my favorite tracks from you, even though I gave you a bunch of nitpicking. The song almost felt nostalgic to me, and was very atmospheric as all your pieces are. You know how to set a mood and carry it throughout.

NGADM Round 3 Score: 9.2

This is a NGADM Round 3 List-of-Ideas-For-Possible-Improvement.

Production: 27.5/30 (Great)
Composition: 26.5/30 (Great)
Instrumentation: 13/15 (Great)
Originality: 9.5/10 (Great)
Interest: 13.5/15 (Great)

Overall Score: 90/100 (Great) or 9/10 or 4.5 Stars.

The Good:
- The track really sounded solid throughout. Nothing seemed out of place mix-wise or style-wise.
- The addition of the children playing was an interesting but, in the end, effective choice in my opinion. I felt it really fit with the simple feel of the song.
- The piano- simple, innocent, child-like. Really fits perfectly with the mood and image of the song. I almost would have preferred a bit more hammer noise to give that super close intimate vibe.
- You really expressed a clear arc in the body of the song and brought the listener along for the trip. I thought this piece was quite effective emotionally.

The Not-so-Good:
- I felt the drums in the first half felt a bit naked and thin/choppy... they didn't really "play with the track" but rather along side it. Be careful when mixing percussion into a track to pay attention to the atmosphere around it, both with the timbre and the dampness. I would suggest discretion in this piece with the drums rather than steady, active grooving, to better accentuate the more atmospheric vibe. An active, choppy groove will support a more pop/electronic feel, while a more chill, smooth groove will support a more ambient feel. In that regard, I feel this track had a little bit of multiple personality disorder and couldn't quite come to terms with which of those two it really was.
- On the subject of drums, don't forget about the effectiveness of drum fills and especially don't forget about making "smoove" transitions, especially in a style like this!
- While I thought the work with EW's voice was interesting, it sounded really forced and fake. I would suggest to write out a part next time and have him sing it. The performance of the human voice is incredibly nuanced and cutting and pasting bits will never create a realistic performance, no matter how advanced it is. I understand a stylistic reason for this cutting and pasting, but I think a straight performance would better fit with the musical style proposed in the second half of the piece.
- Although childhood is a simple subject, that doesn't mean you should limit yourself to simple ideas. Some of those most gorgeous and rich sounds are those with a little bit of bitterness and tension to them (ex. 1: https://instaud.io/2OE), and some of the greatest most joyous sounds are those which are preceded by the darkest sounds. Just food for thought. :)
- I wish that final "chord" was down an octave, just as a release... just a thing. XD

Note: while a casual observer might think there's a lot wrong with this piece, quite the contrary. I quite liked the piece (as noted in the interest category). I just have some comments that took a bit of explaining, as is the case when we set aside the simple things and get deep into the complexities of the craft.

johnfn responds:

I guess I should eventually respond to this in full, but I have to say it's pretty weird that you're comparing my etherealwinds stuff to a full blown vocal performance. Actually this sort of vocal chopping/slicing is really common in more contemporary electronic music - Burial comes to mind. I don't think anyone would say that he needs to get an actual vocalist rather than just continuing his path of sampling like crazy.

What I'm trying to say is ITS A STYLE THANGGGG

Uh but thanks for the review. I know the drums are whack, its cuz I'm still using free samples I've accumulated from the internets. LOL. Also because I'm bad at drums.

ambient music bro...

not trance

johnfn responds:


Good :3