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Reviews for "redemption"

This is why I follow you. Your atmospheres go to a place that not many people can recreate. This is deep stuff. The reason why the emotions aren't being screamed at and in the face is because they aren't ones that you shout out regardless of how deep they go, but these are the ones that can't be translated, let alone shouted. Like at 02:40. I can think of someone elderly or to be more relatable, myself sometimes at college. It's the feeling of someone who's tired of doing what they can or doing what they should, and is grieving to just return to doing what they want. What makes them feel happy.

Yeah good song. Not many complaints if you haven't noticed. Thank you.

johnfn responds:

Hey, thanks for the really kind review Spadezer! I feel like I'm hyper aware of when I'm living up to my own high standards and when I'm doing stuff that's disappointing, but it's always frustrating because there's no real way to force inspiration and creativity to happen to a piece that doesn't want it to happen, ya know? Anyway my point is, I'm glad you liked the song.

This is an NGADM Round 3 Review.


You know, I think this might be my favourite contest submission from you this year. Maybe it's because you spent three days on it instead of two. I can't even begin to imagine how good your submission would be if you spent TWO WEEKS on it, but I don't think that's ever going to happen! Rambling aside, what you've given us here is a jumble of your best styles - the emotion and melodic prowess of "footsteps" and the uplifting sound of "wide world" and "i believe". Let me say that it really, really worked. Seven minutes of wonderful music that doesn't ever get boring for a second is nothing to scoff at.

I'll get the production out of the way to get the ball rolling. Your production is actually pretty great this time! I can tell you spent more time on the mixing or at least everything fell into place more easily this time round. Well, I can imagine something more stripped-down like this to be much easier to mix than the more climactic and explosive natures of your previous tracks, but regardless, I proudly have little to no complaints about the mix this time. I actually think that the drums fit wonderfully here because they give this track a very unique sense of forward motion without sounding too exciting, but in fact, what really sold it for me is their sound and the way you mixed them in. You nailed the levelling.

The composition is absolutely fantastic. You make use of major 7ths a lot. I think the major 7th is a very tricky note to use since it's easy for it to have an unpleasant, dissonant sound, but if you know what you're doing when you use it, it really heightens the emotional value of a melody. You use it very well here. But really, this is honestly jam-packed with so many beautiful melodies that I don't know where to start. To help break up the song's structure further, you even include that vocal section from the talented etherealwinds, which actually sounds pretty fantastic. I'd say this track is the epitome of what happens when a good sense of composition and bucketloads of creativity collide.

I have a bunch of small, and mostly stylistic gripes, since I don't think anything particularly stands out as an obvious flaw. Some transitions didn't do it for me. 0:46 sounds pretty premature and abrupt, and I feel like a more gradual and careful approach to that section would give it more meaning when it finally comes in. At around 5:45 where a bunch of elements in the track start fading out... yeah that didn't sit well with me either. It almost sounds like you had those two sections separated, and during the process of arranging the track together, you couldn't think of a good way to tie those two sections together. 0:46's synth is also a bit too loud I think (only mixing complaint I have). Lastly, the ending. It's not bad at all! However, I somehow feel like it could be a bit more subtle. I don't know... the tonic chord at the end sounds a little forced to me. You approached the ending so well, but when that final note played, I just didn't feel it. I hate giving criticism like this since it's so vague and unhelpful, but it's still a good ending and it's not worth worrying about.

This is just a beautiful track that would have given Zip and Steam a run for their money, that's for sure. Astounding work! On a final note, I know that one of these days you will make an ending - a gloriously satisfying ending - and I will love it. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT.

SCORE: 9.5/10

johnfn responds:

> how good your submission would be if you spent TWO WEEKS

Oh shush you ;-) The maximum number of days I could even work on a song for NGADM would be 4, because there are only 2 weekends in the 2 week timespan. I'm pretty tired after work, and it's led to some really frustrating and unproductive nights heh.

> major 7ths

I don't even know what that is. How do you even music theory? *google* Oh... right. I know what that is. But I didn't think I was using them that often heh. I do really enjoy them though, they have a great open feel to them.

> 5:45 where a bunch of elements in the track start fading out

Heh yeah I tossed that on last minute. I actually meant for everything to become more reverbed rather than quieter, which I enjoy, but I just messed up the leveling :p

> tonic chord

Yeah I can see that. Next time, THE PICARDY THIRD! Oh wait, I was pretending I didn't know music theory before? Oops.

> an ending - a gloriously satisfying ending

I think I ended Footsteps pretty well. Yep, one good ending in 2 NGADMs so far. You have to take what you can get ;-)

Anyway, I'm glad you liked my track, but it didn't really come as a surprise because if I like my track then I know you're going to like it too. We have the same mind after all O_O

Of course it's also kinda lame because when I know my track is crap, I know you're going to call me out on it :p

But I mean whatever. It's still pretty sweet to have a telepathic link with one of the judges.

IM GETTING SIDETRACKED ANYWAYS thanks for the great review. I am always highly appreciative.

This is a NGADM Quarter-Finals Review!
Automatic admission to the next round, lucky you! :)
It's a chill track for sure and the way the slower section really throws you off the beat with different sections coming in early or late making it feel like 3/4 mixed with 5/4 works well to lose the listener in the music. The sound effects of children playing at 3:00 really brought the piece home for me. Coupled with the title and that section I think I understand what you were aiming for emotionally in this.

I can see what you meant by the drums not quite being there yet - they're a bit distant and separate from the rest because of the reverb, but that's the only thing I can fault in this track. I love the sounds you used (special mention for Etherealwinds' lovely vocals too) and I really enjoyed the journey.
Fantastic and good luck in the next round!


johnfn responds:

It's funny how some people love the drums and some people don't. Eh... I'm a drum noob, but I'm getting better!!!

Thanks for the review! Though I don't really remember using a mix of 3/4 and 5/4 hehe. I think you think I'm smarter than I actually am ;-)

this is actually good and i use this for a ost for my series i will upload it on my channel with a different name with a link to the original song... we can discuss more note me okay if you got any discord add me there LordTRex#8615

really fucking nice song.
drums are super brittle and barely present in the mix though. this isn't in itself a bad thing, but the samples themselves don't convey the tone that you wanted them to, y'know what i mean? would've been AMAZING to have a really big drum climax imo, especially since that last synth solo section into the second lot of vox is so intense, and that trancey crash sound is GIGANTIC compared to the rest of the drums.

anyway, i love what you've done with all the different polyrhythmic delays. the synth work is a lot more delicate this time around but at the same time i love how you've kind of orchestrated everything and transitioned so thoughtfully between sections. great work on the vox, too. piano is really nicely voiced, love the soft bass notes.

i feel like the reverb is kinda washy, especially in the children-playing part. that whole set of sound effects there is kinda... well i think "obnoxious" is too harsh, maybe just not subtle enough i guess? but i appreciate the storytelling aspect of it.