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Reviews for "-The Guardian-"

This was pretty good

What I liked:
-Nice animation
-Decent art
-Nice music
-Cool alien guys

What I didn't like so much:
-Text instead of voice acting
-It's rather unclear early on why the boy's in the forest, why he's chosen, and why someone so apparently brave and strong-willed doesn't seem to struggle in the slightest when he's grabbed and taken for a ride
-Why does Mr. Suit present the boy with the ornament only to demand it back a few seconds later? If he got the ornament so easily without being detected by the alien why not just sneak off without speaking to anyone?

The story seems a little plot-holey, but the animation was fun to watch anyway.


i liked the style and the music. but the over all the story is a bit cheesy for me but oh well it IS a web animation 8/10

Great Job!

This was really great and I enjoyed it <3
May i suggest working on the running animation, it seemed a bit awkward but that was all that bothered me.

And I would love to comment on the character design: simple amazing. I loved the Guardians they where really well done. :)


The concept was great. It was a good idea with great music. I mean, nothing outstandingly original, but nothing is nowadays. And what was portrayed was portrayed good enough.

However, the animation didn't live up the expectations I had for this.

I love the style of the drawings and the animation didn't seem lazed out. But, considering it's a simplistic style, I expected the animation to be more fluid and more stretched out.

And there were moments when the animation didn't seem exaggerated enough. Like when the original Guardian died...the guy didn't seem very upset over it or anything, or horrified. He kinda just raised his arm out and seemed to moutht, "No," which is really anticlimactic, if you ask me anyways. I would've spent a bit more time spending the rest of the next several seconds showing her body in continuous shock and horror, even when running.

Another thing...since there's no voices, I would expect more portrayal of emotions through visuals, which there wasn't much of. The exaggeration of the body parts seem to rely on the eyes, and neither the antagonist or guardian presented much exaggeration of that, but relied on text to reveal what was going on. Since this animation seemed to rely on visuals, it should have been more emotional with visuals with these characters. The guardian--not really having much of a face and all--could have portrayed emotions through body stances and movements. Like when he was shocked at the enemy trying to persuade the man, maybe have a more exaggerated shocking position rather than just widening his eyes.

Actually, it seemed as though the first half was all visually emotional, and then the second half just sort of dropped it and went textual...which was really disappointing to me.

The enemy's face didn't change much throughout the story, which gave the impression of apathy (which is good, by the way, considering he's evil and all), but didn't, however, give any emotion as to what he was doing. His body movements could have also been portrayed through this, and there was a moment of emotions through visuals when he handed the man the glowing ball of...whatever that was. But that was it for him, and that kind of disappointed me.

The story was kind of rushed but I can't blame you for that seeing as how the song wasn't too long. The ending just kinda happened really fast so maybe you could have shortened some of the time in between then somewhere? I'm not sure, but again it's not really your fault so I wouldn't worry about that.

The animation was nice anyhow (I love hand-drawn animation, so thank you so much for that), the music and story gave me tingles, the story line was obviously portrayed with little subtleties (which can be hard to do, so props for that), and a lot of the events came in at just the right time at certain points in the music. It's just that some of the actions the characters do need to be more...exaggerated, and the visuals need to represent more emotions than the text. I'm not sure how else to say that.

I love this anyhow. I expect greater things from you in the future. You have a lot of potential. 8/10, 4/5, well done.

NeroGeist responds:

You sir, get a cookie. I've been waiting so long for a review like this! I knew something was off with this animation when I finished it, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I was hoping for someone to enlighten me on the faults of this animation and I thank you for clearing that up for me. The only way I can improve are from reviews like yours so I can't thank you enough and I'm glad you enjoyed my video! :D

Would of been better without type