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Reviews for "Random Heroes"


I don't know if it is intentional but if you hit left and then right at the same time it makes the guy moonwalk. This in itself made me enjoy the game that much more. The only thing that would make this game better is if the enemies were more difficult. Other than that great time passer.

I can't dash

It feels a little bit like megaman, or like egoraptor said: jumping-n-shooting man!
The problem is that is very easy, 3 life bars seemed more than enough, or at least for those who played a Megaman title.
And I was expecting a superb achievement for completing the game without dying... but there was none |:

Good Platformer.

Pretty straightforward, Mega Manlike platform game. I think there should be more do the game, like a character story, more upgrades, and so on and so forth.


This was a fun little game. Not exactly the most original game, but fun none the less. One note, it seems to me that the mini gun is a lot better than the pulse rifle., like, a LOT better. Is this just me?

Good but it coud be better if everey character have teir owm guns