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Reviews for "Random Heroes"

Short and easy, but it was amusing

Cool metroid-style game, but:
* It was maybe it was too easy, specially the bosses.
* It was a bit short (the level length was ok, but maybe there were too few levels).
* Upgrades ended too early; the big ones were too cheap.
Maybe it would be better to increase the difficulty more on last levels; put harder enemies that require more powerful guns that kill more and make huger explosions, more upgrades (maybe unlockable?), harder bosses that do more things than just jumping and shooting.

And now, some tips for gamers:
* Get the laser ASAP. It rocks and isn't too expensive. Also get all the life upgrades. The books help too. Guns with more damage seem to be better than fast ones.
* Spikes don't hurt much (only 1 hit point), so if you must run away don't hesitate to jump on them (but try to avoid them).
* Water slows you down a lot, so if you need to run, jump.
* Still robots are invulnerable (I think) unless they're shooting. So stand near them a few steps, wait for them to open, shoot quickly so he only shoots once, and jump the fire ball.
* The end boss could be killed without losing a single life point (well, I couldn't, but it could be done). It just shoots 3 fire balls and jumps. Simply wait for the first one to actually touch you and then jump quickly, so that the first ball doesn't actually harm you, the 2nd one passes under you, and then jump again to avoid the 3rd one. Move to another position and repeat.

I can't dash

It feels a little bit like megaman, or like egoraptor said: jumping-n-shooting man!
The problem is that is very easy, 3 life bars seemed more than enough, or at least for those who played a Megaman title.
And I was expecting a superb achievement for completing the game without dying... but there was none |:

PRETTY GOOD BUT,...................

It was pretty fun but too short. and easy. Maybe some more playable levels and/or multiple difficulty settings and/or extra play modes and/or bosses.


nice rounded game. there seemed to be too many jump buttons nice to have nades in next one. also level indicator. I thought the game would keep going for a minute there.

Pretty basic game, I liked the upgrading, it seemed like there was JUST enough money going through the game in one go to get everything and have about 1000$ left over, so that's all good, the only problem I would have had would be to maybe fill that final weapon slot[blank space in the shop] with like a chainsaw, max damage and speed of attack, but ridiculously low range. Or perhaps a character specific weapon.

Overall, good game!