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Reviews for "Danger Dungeon"

Addicting but with plenty of space for improvement

For a good old classical dungeon RPG, it is pretty good, the gameplay is addicting, it runs very smooth, progresses fast enough and is all in all your classic fun, especially with sorting and dividing the inventory among allies.

The art style is quite cool being all realistic-like ( I don't know if there's a 'name' for that style, heh), although a bit more differences between characters would be nice, being all the same, it feels more like an army and not a bunch of kids in trouble. :P

However it has so many tiny flaws that it kind of brings the whole experience down a level or two. Of course, it is far from being bad, but it needs to be worked on.

For starters, the leveling system is somewhat confusing. Apparently characters level up one by one, yet, I can only add points for one of my characters, which is kind of too limited. I wish I could customize every character, and make one better n magic and other one with sword and such.

Then, sadly, and this (at least for me) plays a big part, there is no music! Every once in a while there is, but it is not like special or memorable, and finishes quickly. I suggest you work on that in a sequel I saw you were mentioning.

Also, for some reason I have trouble picking up the stuff monsters drop for some reason, sometimes. I don't know if it is me, but it bugs me.

And for the end, I wished to see more of the story development! Good story makes the game at least 30% better!

But, there, aside from those minor flaws, my personal negative points of the game and maybe a few other even smaller ones, the game is pretty good, and I would love to see the sequel. :)

FightClub69 responds:

Thanks for the detailed comments Klabautermann! The art style is called pre-rendered 3D and the reason the characters look the same (until you start getting different armor and weapons on them all) is file size. There's no theme tune for the same reason. For a sequel I'll probably use a smaller group and a few less monster types - then it'll fit more easily under the 10MB limit that many portals impose.

The other characters assign their own ability points as they level but they don't get skills. I wanted the group to feel like other people making their own choices (as much as possible) rather than leave the player micromanaging every detail.

You won't automatically pick stuff up if your group is in a fight - I did this to avoid the 'take or leave' popup from getting in the way during big brawls. You can choose to click on things and it'll pick them up as usual even if you are fighting.

More story would certainly be great, I left it a bit open ended because I hope to make a sequel in a few months time which will try to address the major problems with this first Danger Dungeon game.

Nice game. makes it stand out from the rest. Only thing i didn't like was combining modern and ancient, especially monsters, weapons and potions. Could have used zombies or more human-like monsters.

I would like just a LITTLE more control

I love any dungeon crawler, just would've liked more intimate control over my characters.

the only comment I can make

Is that respawning frequently puts you in death trap scenerios ... thats not fun at all

also getting the other characters to actually pick up potions is way hard

next I went through three levels with a single weapon drop on the labryrinth level this is an almost death blow gameplay devolves to having to go solo with the rest as back up otherwise you will die every single time as enemy reinforcements will come all at once and will gleefully overwhelm you and who ever happens to be near you

FightClub69 responds:

I don't understand... respawning is not possible in this game. Are you having trouble at the start of a level?
The other characters will pick up any potions but not when there is fighting going on. You can also transfer potions to them using the inventory pages.
You were extremely unlucky to only get one weapon in three levels, the average is 5 weapons per level (after the first two levels where the drops are controlled to ensure you have a weapon and armour).
The most important thing about the labyrinth is that it is full of patrolling minotaurs... so don't unlock a door until you are at full health and your group is nearby!
Please remember that a large part of this game is random, the experience will be slightly different every time you play.

HERE'S what i think

this game is fun, and is of comparable quality. the only thing i have to dispute is that as the levels grow more difficult the need for more party members increases. so if one dies it is more likely that another one will die shortly afterward. since all the characters are dividing the experience. this wouldn't be a problem if there was a way to revive them, but once their gone, their gone. you just have to find more party members. this was a rough patch for me. on the other hand, it was easy to figure out-- very user friendly. it was enough like other games i had played that it had a familiar feel, but not so much that it felt like a rip off psp game. also, there are only two character models, which is understandable, due to size restraints. i would like to see a 2.0 of this. i had fun playing it. apart from the aforementioned drawbacks it is a great game in my book. :) good job.