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Reviews for "Pokemon Bash"


Heal Ball... Release... check.

Despite knowing obvious ways to fix that problem, great flash.

OnionsXD responds:

haha heal ball bringing things back to life.

I can imagine doctors trying desperately to save somebody. They do. And so the doctors just capture them with a heal ball then release them and their fine. XD

Thanks for the review!:D

Onions, DANG SON. Ecstatic that I saw this today!

Hey Onions, it's been a while! Yes, I'm still alive, thanks (and planning a new project soon to be released). Anyways, I was just scourin' the web a bit and GUESS WHO I FOUND on the Daily's?

Animation was pretty tight! The characters and a bit of the background in the beginning had that constantly spazzy outline that I love so much and and some other nice effects tossed in, such as hair movement and some other stuff. What really threw me for a loop was the background work, which was REALLY impressive this time around! The shading was crazy nice and used plenty, plus it went well with the already solid art style. The blurring and color scheme topped it all off, so fantastic work on the art, Onions, it's getting so much better!

Sound was nice! The music was awesome, especially in the credits. The voice work was solid also, so bravo and cheers to the others who helped you in this flash!

Humor was pretty solid in itself. I always did wonder what was goin' through a Sudowoodo's mindset as it would get mistaken for some small tree and chopped up, so this was plenty enough for me! What you should start workin' on is including EVERYBODY in on your work and your jokes, as I'm sure some of it is going to be lost when it comes to different audiences. Also, some of the humor is a bit stereotypical for the Newgrounds crowd up to this point; somethin' nefarious happens to someone, someone contemplates life, someone dies, PUNCHLINE. It never hurts to have a change of pace, as I'm getting a little used to shock-humor and the like. Albeit, your poke-ball at the end was the funniest thing I've seen for today's internet-touring extravaganza, so thank you.

Overall, nit-picks aside, this was awesome, and I was hella' impressed, Onions! I like where I see you goin', and once you nail whatever's keeping you from being fantastic, there's no telling where I'll see ya' next! I'll try to keep up more with you, man, as long as you keep it up yourself. Also, you're stepping in more of the big-leagues here, so no more easy 10's from me, BOY. I'll give you a good ol' 9 for a head start, but you better watch yourself. c:

5 outta' 5 and 10 outta' 10!

And how've ya' been, huh? Haven't said much in a while, have we?
Congrats on the Daily Second, by the way! If anything else happens to come your way, then congrats on that, too!

OnionsXD responds:

Thanks for the review Bonehead! Yours are always SO epic. :DD

It took a dang while for me to actually get a good trophy and front page. But now that I got so far, I'm actually going to start working on cartoons ALOT. I actually already have a Halloween cartoon that's ready to submit. I'm just waiting for the Halloween. :))

I actually made this in an animation class that I'm taking at college. We spent three weeks on just doing the backgrounds, so I spent quite awhile on them. They're actually the thing I hate most about making cartoons but I grudged through it. XD

Apparently I didn't shade right in this cartoon though. Some people have commented how it's all over the place, which makes sense because I had no light source in mind.

And the Humor. I totally get what you say. But for my class we had to come up with a ten second gag cartoon. I actually went overboard with my idea so extending it even more would've been going too far for the class. XD
HOWEVER, with my future KOS! Episodes. I think the humor will be loads better. I learned a little (and am still learning) about the basics of comedy. Like having weird characters in normal situations or vice versa. So that's only going to improve from now on I hope. :D

I can't wait to see your cartoon when it's out! Send me a PM when you submit it! ^^

Thanks again for the review !:D


Funny joke, love the style.

Grats on Front Page!

OnionsXD responds:

Thanks Devin! :D It took awhile to get here. XD

Pretty funny ^^

I don't get the bad reviews, this was pretty funny, I didn't know it was gonna be a Sudowuddo until it was, so it was a funny suprise, and then the pokeball at the end made me laugh too, cause I don't like Dawn, and I'd expect dumb things from her (Misty was the best girl for Ash ever!) Keep up the nice work, I hope to see more good stuff by you ^^

OnionsXD responds:

There's not that many bad reviews, and nothing can ever please everyone so it's fine. ^^

Thanks for the positive review! I'll definitely be coming out with a lot of animations from now on! I actually have a Halloween Cartoon ready to submit as well. :D

Not bad,

It seems some of your reviewers take the internetz waaaay too seriously.
But Sudowoodo is actually a rock type so the move "cut" would not be very effective. But I got chuckles.

OnionsXD responds:

You know, I actually completely forgot Sudowoodo was rock type when I made this. That never made sense to me anyways. XD

Thanks for the review! :D