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Reviews for "Bunny Kill 5 The Game"

looks like Bunny Kill, but thats it

Do you know what i love about the Bunny Kill videos? The speed! it has fast movement, fights settled by fast reactions, single hit kills and lots of action.

In this i stood in front of my foes and spammed the attack button. Kick is useless because it does no damage and enemies that are on the ground cant be hurt, therefore kicking only slows down the action in an allready slow game.

This game has the Bunny kill look but lacks the Bunny Kill feel. I want to play this game and feel like I am in a Bunny Kill video, this makes be feel like im in a Salad Fingers video (No offence to Salad Fingers intended).

its ok.

its inovative but there are problems. for starters the title. although it is based off of the animation i thought that i would be playing through the stages and fighing enemies thoghout the base rather than just that one section. Two the enemies: although they are well programmed i have to pick at the ninjas. there were only two ninjas in it and those were the two invisible ninjas. thee weapons: there arnt any guns and you start with a weapon that is never used in a bunnykill movie. i understand the whole leveling up to get better weapons but i think that starting with the sword and making it better is a good place to start. four controls: they are good but there should be more combos, a power strike, and a block button.i felt seriously at a dissadvantage because of the lack of being allowed to drop down from a ledge. five gameplay: it is cool to play as snowball and kill others but it needs an unpgrade system, so you can buy speed, attacks, and weapons; it needs more variating sceneary and platforms; and its too easy to die. health doesnt regenerate fast enough and there arnt healthpacks and the ninjas take a lot of health unless you have them in the right spot. and six: the game is too slow. it feels that it is in a vat of caramel. the saw the characters move its different from how it should. those major problems are what keep this game down and keep it from reaching its true potential. for a begining game it isnt that bad its a great trial. deal with teh problems and this will become a game that will do justice to the bunnykill series.

Needs some work.

My main issue was the controls. You can do anything mid slide so say i push left and then let it go it does not let me activate anything within the short time period it takes your character to stop sliding.
Block is release all keys which is not the greatest idea, it feels kind of dull even down arrow could make a good block or something near A/S.

Really the only problem is control lag, the actual gameplay can't be rated because of these issues but by the looks of the game its not that bad.


Extremely stiff controls, and a block button would help, but this was no a bad game.

not a bad game but the ninjas are too over powered