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Reviews for "SS - Human History 2"

I like this but

How are you so certain where does the info come from for this one. This seems really exact to be on a tablet and not have been heard of before. This one seems so much more less proven than the others, even the last one. I'm just wondering if those tablets were really this exact on what happened?

RiverJordan responds:

Most of the information about this aspect of the story comes from a man named Thoth, who told Drunvalo Melchizidek his story about the experience he had on Atlantis, he was a very important part of what happened, and we'll be looking at that soon. he also wrote down much of this in his Tablets called "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth", check them out :)

Not as good.

The topics on Polar Shifts and magnetism were excellent and I'm going to look into those a bit more now as well, but the stories seem a bit too much to even be considered as true. It's interesting to think about, but will remain a tale into new evidence comes forth. There just simply isn't enough evidence to back up what you're saying.

On the topic of polar shifts though, I'm extremely interested. Since the Earth's plates move according to the rotation in the core, and since our monitoring equipment isn't enough to measure EVERYTHING accurately, it's definitely possible for things to change rapidly. However, what I think is the case, is that because the cycles for polar shifts are reducing, down to what you say is 13,000 years now, this would mean one of two things. The core is speeding up, or the more likely possibility that the earth's core is slowing down. It would all depend on how much friction there would be between core movements and the plates on the surface of the earth. The instability between the magnetic fields accounts to this slowing down because of how simple magnetics work. The faster you can get a motor spinning to create an electromagnetic field, the more stable that field will be. Conversely, if it were to slow down, the field would be unstable like how you say it is now.

These are just my thoughts, take them as it is. Keep up the good work with this series though. :D

I don't know

Seems like you take one leap after another and eventually your lessons go from making sense to being crazy talk

What a warped view of reality...

Right, scientists started examining the concept of pole shifts because some nutty New Ager said so.

Your last video was funnier. I did laugh a little when you said the invading Martians were like old men and the Atlantians were like little girls, but other than that there wasn't much funny. What happened to the time-traveling Jews?

answer this

what are ghost then

RiverJordan responds:

Beings that are sticking around in our astral realm, dicking around with us :P (or doing whatever they desire really)