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Reviews for "SS - Human History 2"


the jews are the reason the world has so much problems eh?

or maybe im just missing the point... was this supposed to be funny or educational? if it was supposed to be funny, it wasn't. and if it tried to be educational it's bullshit but at least the animation is nice...

wait do you really belive this?

first off
the atlantien and marsian did not exist atlantiens are still speculations
and wie all know that mars is a wasteland planet if ever mars had life on it
it would be before milions years ago
platon said that brain was cooling the body and the inteligence wher comming out of
the stomak there are still milions of theoris what is atlanta
so what there ar piramids thourght the world in bosnia the piramids are older then the ones in egipt about 10000 to 13000 years old and ther are bigger
i dissagree your opinions about atlanta
until they dont find evidence about atlanta i am not biliving it
but i give a 5 for the animation

RiverJordan responds:

Haha, watch human history 1, as well as lesson 6, 10 and 11. Might clear some of your questions up.

I find your videos intensely interesting. They express a world view which is entirely opposed to what I believe, which I find very intriguing. Now that's all well and good, I like the general idea behind your videos of self improvement and how we are all one. The problem I have with your videos is they are incredibly lacking in explanation. I understand that you may not need to explain things which don't seem relevant at the time, and there are obvious time constraints on internet videos, but some of your glossing over is plain lazy and actually damages your argument.
One major problem I had with this particular episode (which is merely an example of a wider problem) is that you hurl information at the viewer with such speed that there is no time to process it. The main instance of this was when you said "The magnetic field of the Earth should look like this, but it actually looks like this." I'm guessing that the average viewer has no way of interpreting diagrams of magnetic fields, especially when they are compared to an entirely different diagram with a different scale which is super-imposed onto a flat, rectangular map of the Earth. Citing complicated diagrams and not explaining them in any way makes the viewer infuriated by not being told what I am looking at and why it means what it means. Science, for all you will say it is full of left-brained, male, mumbo-jumbo, at least presents you with the evidence in a way which can be understood so you can see the logical steps. You don't have to agree with Science, but you must at least realise that it's pretty good at explaining stuff. Even using your line of reasoning, it's convinced a race of right-brained female people to be left-brained men, it must be doing something right.
You also obviously haven't done as much research as you think you have. The Polar Flip hypothesis is relatively well known. It isn't hidden away, NASA acknowledge it, as do the vast majority of people who don't believe in climate-change. To use some anecdotal evidence (which Cayce's 'visions' were based on) I saw a BBC documentary (it could have been BBC, I can't remember, but I'll say it was on the BBC) about climate change and there was a big thing where someone from NASA (it could have been NASA, I can't remember, but I'll say he was from NASA) talked about polar flips and how they had happened in the past and how they will probably happen in the future.

In conclusion, I like your programmes, but they lack too much for me to really engage with them in a meaningful way. You are so convinced by these ideas that you don't feel you have to make them (which are pretty damn complicated) accessible to the layman. It's a real problem.


That didn't happen.


Never in the history of things that are about domestic abuse and using the future to analyze the past, has it been so appropriate to say...RAPE. More specifically martian rape. Mmm martian. Once you go red you die!

RiverJordan responds:

It was martian rape!! I almost put that in the dialogue XD