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Reviews for "Paul & Percy"

Cool but found a slightly annoying bug.

Very good I had fun playing this but there's a glitch where the sound for the restart keeps replaying over and over and over.. Honostly by now just sounds like someone is just humping something.. Otherwise awesome game.


time ta preach. i love the graphics, this game looks beautiful, so far ive truly enjoyed the gameplay though it does take just a little bit of rewiring for me to really get into it. the music is nice and subtle, it doesnt grind nerves in any way and it doesnt stick but it still suits the entire situation. i love that when you click offscreen it pauses, a total necessity for all flash games. overall this is a fine game, pretty top notch and while conceptually im not entirely in love with it, i like that it doesnt just start with some giant save the world cliche. definably going into my favorites...thank you for making this

Excellent Puzzler!

A really novel idea (well, at least to me ;) ) and immensly adorable retro-style graphics, sounds and music. Oh, and don't forget those whacky characters. They could be a little more british, but apart from that, Paul and Percy are entirely loveable.
All in all: Great game! Keep up the good work.

not bad

I'd do a walkthrough man coudlnt hurt its a good agme but it has potential

Its original, its a side-scroller(so to speak)

and pretty good, actually. My neck hurt so much i didnt even try the third level. As for the grafics, anybody get reminded of Tarraria? is that what its called? Even the begining menu seemed like that pc game. graffs: 9/10 for cool 8 bit kinda grafics.
gameplay/story: gameplay is puzzle-like and kinda like alot of other NG games. Story is simple, not neccisarily bad, but could use a little more in depth other than tea and biscuits. I also only got to the 3rd level, i remind you. too much effort needed to go on, so i dont know much more. and finally, sci-fi 5th demention= ultimate awesomeness. lol you really can rewind time in the 5th demention. I tried it. whole buncha stephen hawkings shit, 5D. XD and BTW the rewind feature is MUCH APPREACIATED! rewinding a game ( although leaving the difficulty at a minumum ) makes things alot easier on the player. Im sure you guys have something to say to the creator. Use ur mans kizos! XD

~~~~~~Shepard357 out~~~~~~