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Reviews for "Battle for Wayland Keep"

Not bad...

But the playability was very low. There is almost nothing in the form of tactics, no real choice in upgrades (other than whether to upgrade the walls or your sword first).

Storyline is nice, but again seems to have very little in the way of actual choice. Okay, so I can choose to go with the girl or not, that is about it.

On the other hand, graphics are good, game engine is fine (I didn't have trouble with bugs, myself) and while it's a bit too easy, not boringly so.

Not bad

the click to move system could have been improved by being able to move by click-dragging as in Diablo, Darkspore, etc. While the game itself was fun, it's one giant Dragon Age rip off, the armor and location names were the biggest tip-off to that.


Nice Games but i dont like it :S maybe just not my kind of game haha


kinda cool

This definitely has potential!

First of all, congratulations on this game, the art is amazing! I get the feeling you guys got a lot of inspiration from rpg games and this one definitely has potential :)

Here are my thoughts (mind you i've only played for like 15 minutes so i might've overlooked some things):

I get the whole mouse controlled hero idea, and it does the job, though I feel it would do the game justice to have the hero follow the mouse position constantly when pressed down, instead of walking to a new position when clicked. Reasons for this are, it would require less clicking (makes it easier to controll) and makes the hero's movement also feel more dynamic.

I've looked for quite some time and there is little to no feedback as of yet. (or it's very hard to find :) ) For instance, while hovering over abilities, it would help to have a small textarea that explains what the ability does. Also don't underestimate a good tutorial level :)
This last bit might be personal though: I'd have the buttons in the shop show a little more contrast between mouseover/mouseout. I can hardly tell the difference between the two.

I'm looking forward to the next installment :)
keep it up
