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Reviews for "Open Letter to Game Devs"


I don't like this at all. There was nothing funny here. I guess I suck at understanding those video game parody of 2d degree, no seriously , it was bad. Voice talent was ok I guess and you had a decent animation. That about it.

There is ONE thing that makes this funny.

It shows just how shitbrained the majority of the Newgrounds members are. You say you can use your pseudo-popularity to get away with this, and you have. With nothing impressive, amusing, or comic about this flash, you have easily gotten onto the front page with a 4.16 just using your name.

The only good things about this flash is it runs smoothly for the most part and it is able to stick to a single topic. But, for fuck's sake, at least suggest good ideas! If this was meant to be satiric in nature, you could have gone more in depth to help us understand what your parodying, and what about it is supposedly supposed to be humorous.

As it is, I am sorely disappointed in NG for taking whatever steaming pile you leave presented to us on the floor and plastering it everywhere as some kind of good.

Yeah I dunno...

I agree with that guy 111. This wasn't really anything and a lot of people just seem to like something simply because the maker of it has made previous things that that person liked. This seems to be really controversial according to some of the comments but I just personally saw this as essentially a random idea that took barely any thought or effort. This shouldn't label me automatically as a "hater" though, because you have done works in the past I enjoyed. Just not all of them.

As a piece of constructive criticism, stop making shorts as they generally tend to be less funny and start taking time instead to come up with more structured and all around better ideas, otherwise you might just keep coming out with things like this that will eventually tarnish your reputation. Once again, just an opinion but yeah.


The first 20 seconds of "I'm popular show-off" were kind of unnecesary weren't they....?
Apart from that. yeah, not funny.

Eh... not really all that entertaining. We get it, you're popular. That doesn't mean you can make complete shit and expect it to be well received. Sure, it'll get a lot of views at first, but after a while people will start to wonder why they're still bothering to watch you.

It was just a side project, but you could have put more effort into this. It seems like you went to the video game forum and just took all of your material from trolls overusing overused comedy.