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Reviews for "Open Letter to Game Devs"

2 Shoulders up!

For egorapter, this is below his standards. On the plus side, nice animation.

I was dissappointed.

The animation and sound were flawless as have become standard of you, but there was not one funny joke in the entire movie. The parts that weren't self serving praise were almost painful to watch. Occasionally I saw where a joke almost could have been successful, but none hit the mark for me.

You make a ton of awesome flash, but this was not one of them.

whale box penis

This wasn't funny.
You aren't funny.
Popularity doesn't make you funny.

It just never quite got off the ground

Your art and animation skills, along with your voice acting, are top-notch as always. No qualms there.

If you look back to your earlier successes, the creatiosn which gave you 200,000 subscribers on Youtube and made you the most favourited person on Newgrounds, they have arguably less high concepts, but are executed much better.
Now I'm all for the high-concept type of comedy. "I'm going to use my ability to talk to the masses to pitch my own ideas" is not a particularly bad one. Your execution of this concept is decidedly poor, however. I went into this expecting you to have some actual ideas for games. They would probably be ridiculous and stupid, but would warm the soul that somewhere out there there are creative people having these sorts of ideas. Who knows, maybe they would be a hit.
Instead what I was greated with was not very funny parodies/puns on existing game franchises. The Tom Clancy book series was really the only joke which appeared to have some kind of potential. A more famous book would have fit better, though. Such as "You all know how you love the work of Kafka. Now YOU can be put on trial for something you did/didn't do and be a subtle critique of state bureaucracy gone mad." Admittedly, I don't think sales would go through the roof, but there you go. The world just isn't ready for my game-developing talents.
To take existing games and parodying them, as your animation seemed to do, is fine. But you just didn't go far enough. You merely said "How about that book series, huh. Imagine that as a game. Yeah. That's the joke." If you spent some time developing it, give the run down as to how it would work, (or even just explain what the hell it is for the uninitiated amongst us,) that would be better. You could snow-ball the idea, as it gets bigger and more insane the humour would come organically. It wasn't allowed to develop, unfortunately.
You had the concept there for a spring-board into joke pitches for stupid games which would never get made. What you delivered was some cheap shots at some existing franchises. It's a shame that your incredible creativity and sence of humour was not show-cased here. I do hope you find your footing again, there is a reason I subscribed on Youtube, after all.

Egoraptor responds:

So you had a preconceived notion of what my ideas were going to be, and then because they weren't what you expected, you didn't think they were funny?

The jokes were supposed to be prods at existing franchises. Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged was the joke because it's a silly idea for a game, but it was also commenting on how publishers will make a game purely on recognizability, much like the hollywood does.

I think it's silly for you to have not enjoyed this movie because it just wasn't what you were expecting. I wasn't actually pitching real game ideas and the intention wasn't to go crazy with wacky crazy shit. The entire movie was sarcastic.

zombies are good but not him