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Reviews for "Hunters - Relic of Stars"

just one thing

my only complaint about it is that i didnt have sounds on, so i played the whole game without knowing whats the story was about. maybe subtitles could be an option, dont know, just saying. but the game is pretty good, even though the graphics are "bad" like some said, it played very smooth and i didnt need to change the quality to run in my netbook. no bugs at all. and dont know why, but the begining of the game kinda reminded me of Jet Force Gemini, any relation? great work by the way

Rhete responds:

Aww, I would definitely recommend playing with sound, for all the awesome audio portal music, and all the voices too of course.

I haven't actually ever played Jet Force Gemini and know very little about it, but I do know that the final boss of it, Mizar, has the same name as my games main antagonist, so there may be a few more unintended similarities between the two.

Nice, very nice.

I liked everything about this game, from the attitude of the protagonist to the overall level design and controls. It would be nice if the main character could jump higher.
Also, the artwork of the characters could use a little touch up. I like the anime style, it just need a little more detail. Overall, nice game, just don't do what a lot of people on newgrounds have done and make one awesome game, promise a sequel and never deliver.

Rhete responds:

Thanks for the review, and don't worry, all six stages are complete and will be uploaded soon! I'm not sure on the exact release schedule yet, but I promise there will be a continuation, and it won't be that far away. Probably within a week at the most. Stage 1 is also the shortest stage, so there is a lot more to come!

I guess deadbeats and welfare queens are critics?

When I want a blockbuster game I have to pay a blockbuster price. When I bite that bullet I start downloading in Steam, or put a disc in my 360 or PS3 and have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting. I don't come to Newgrounds for high-res graphics or to hear Tricia Helfer or Claudia Black in the game. I come to spend some of my time checking out what dedicated, underground creators are pouring their hearts and souls into. At worst, some of my time is wasted. At best, I get to experience something new with some emotion in it.

Hunters: Relic of the Stars has character; more than id or Epic have bothered to scrape together for any of their releases from the last decade. The gameplay is enjoyable and challenging enough that I wasn't able to just prance through to the credits at my first attempt. The story is pretty cliché, but it was refreshingly honest and easy to follow instead of trying to hide the lack of a provocative narrative through obscurity like many of the more recognizable indie titles have resorted to.

I'm going to dock 2 points for the checkpoint system which could have been a bit more generous after some of the more enemy-filled rooms, but give a bonus point for all these negative reviews. Nothing is more entertaining than observing a bunch of deadbeats and welfare queens getting something for nothing and parroting excuses to continue being intellectually small with integrity to match their pitiful bank accounts. 5/5 9/10.


-1 for easy artworks
overall GREAT GAME.
thats all there is for improvement,
no bugs found so far,

This game was great

I don't know why people are complaining...
There are a lot of stick figures games with worse graphics and they get higher score!
The game was so easy.. Seriously if they can't beat this game how can they beat mega man that is like 10 times harder lol.
I like that you put work in this you even made a nice 20 pages user guide was nice.
The bosses in this game were nice.
The control were ok really I almost never used diagonal aiming it is not even necesary in this game.
To improve this game add:
I think you should add a upgrade system.(We LOVE THAT!)
add add-ons you can put to weapons like laser aiming or penetrate armor.
add armor that when you change to it you get a new costume.
add spaceship battles and that you can pimp your spaceship :)
to make people stop companing about controls add mouse aiming instead.