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Reviews for "Mechanical Ice Apocalypse"


this game is bad....if you get hit one time is Game over and the Boss have HUGE healt bar...I give it 2/5 3/10

bcdefg123 responds:

I can't beat Super Meat Boy. I give it 2/10. - Brian


First off, everything was either white or grey, so already you have a ton of foreground, background issues. The ship moved agonizingly slow, and would slide all around when you wanted to go a different direction. The game play is complete trial and error, which is a big problem when your enemy has such a ridiculously huge health bar. I'm not opposed to games that are just one big boss battle, but everything about this game moves at a snails pace! If i had to sum this game up in one word, it would be "draining" because I fell my energy slipping away as I play it.
The game isn't outright broken, with enough patience you can beat it, but the game needs to appeal to the gamer, not the other way around.
This game is like a big bowl of grits. White, bland, functional for sure, but a little honey or jam would make the experience more enjoyable.

Fun game but...

Add a story line. Theres no point in a none story line game. Oh and one more thing........ADD LIVES!!!!!

bcdefg123 responds:

I'm guessing you missed the 'story' button on the main screen then - Brian

that's it!?

Seriously?!.....waste...nothing else.


not physically possible to beat, after the bottom laser goes down, the next move is for the top laser to come ALL the way up with no safe spot, and no "graying out" of the lasers so you can move to the other side whatever. FIX THIS and then I will come back and try to beat it.

I had high hopes for this when I saw how cool it looked, but you made it unwinnable, thus unplayable.

bcdefg123 responds:

Do you really think we would upload an unwinnable game? And do you really think Newgrounds would frontpage it if we did? Look at the scoreboards for all the proof you need. - Brian