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Reviews for "Hiroshima"

Good shit

Hey that was a good movie. Im really stoned right now but i still thought it was a good movie!! Fuck Osama in the fuckin ass fucker!!! Japan is crazy now holy shit, i am sooo so soos os os os os osso sooo stoned!!! h a ha hah a ha ha ha wow f'k dfj

Good job.

It got the point across many innocent people died. Alot more than needed to. The the poster before me who stated you were an ignorant hippie is probably as ignorant as people come. Innocent lives were lost. More than would have been lost than if they hadn't drop the bomb. Yes, more americans would have died but innocents would have been spared. Basicly what you are saying is that what Osama Bin Laden did to the people in the WTC is justified instead of fighting a war in the conventional means. Have the decency to look at both sides instead of just your own.

Ignorant hippie propaganda

This would have been a nice attempt at illustrating the misuse of power had that actually been the case then, but it wasn't. Had the United States not dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima, a full scale invasion of Japan would have taken place instead and an estimated 100,000-1,000,000 American soldiers would have died just in the intial stages of the operation. An invasion so big that it would have made D-day look like a picnic. Coincidentally, we nuked Japan five days before they were going to execute a large scale biological attack on America's west coast (bubonic plague bombs). An attack that was cancelled, for fear of another nuclear attack. By dropping the atom bombs on Japan, more lives were saved than were lost. A full scale invasion would have resulted in the rape and pillage of an entire nation and caused much more destruction and suffering than the radioactive fallout of two atom bombs. Do you want to talk about suffering? How about the thousands of American soldiers that were treated worse than animals and brutalized by the Japanese for years in camps akin to the kind Hitler had for the Jews? Or the hundreds of Chinese peasants that were used for biological experiments by the Japanese? And how about the thousands of Korean women who were forced to become sex slaves to the Japanese soldiers? Japan got what was coming to them and nobody owes them anything. These are all facts. Next time, read a history book before insinuating that America's actions in the Pacific were unjustified.


I just want to apologize for the guy who posted before me "zZPsYcOZz" For being a total idiot.
Does anyone deserve to die, of course not, was the decision to drop the bomb a good one? Of course. Why the hell did the japs attack us if they were going to be little pussies about it after we got them? You hit us, we'll hit you back. An eye for an eye. If someone walks up to me, and punches mein the mouth, of course im not going to sit there and let them do it? And i know the "innocent lives" of many people in hiroshima were lost, well many "innocent" people were lost in pearl harbor..not as many, but its the same principle.

Good, but differing views...

Yes, it was sad that so many died BUT, the US's intention was NOT to kill. It was to show the power of the bomb...which Japan didn't believe. Hiroshima was picked because it wasen't that big. Think about it, if they really wanted to kill ... why wasen't it dropped on Tokyo? Millions would have died. Also, it was the only way besides having our men killed in the process ... im not saying the value of one's life is greater then the other, but the attack on US was UNPROVOKED. All those lives lost at Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima never had to happen, if Japan didn't take such drastic measures.