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Reviews for "Crystal Crisis"


The game overall was fun. I liked the medals. The random levels however, were an unwelcome curveball. It does add to re-playability though. I would have liked a nice continue system though.

I didn't experience too many bugs

But I did experience some. Great idea for a game! It's simple, awesome, and yes, we are the best gamers around. Therefor, I'm going get all medals :D

Need two more!

Anyways, if you wanted to make this better, more strange contraptions could be funny- don't make any mines and the likes though. And then make people able to "unlock" more different levels as they go on. (Maybe you already do this... As I started to encounter maps I haven't tried before sometimes...)

Great Platformer.

I had alot of fun with this game. The random platforming generator made it not repeditive. I like hoe you have to take a risk to get the better crystals. I did experience some bugs though. But keep working on it. I had alot of fun with this.

Good Overall..

This game kinda reminds me of the old Megaman games back on the Nintendo console. Its done well with the exception of having only 1 life

Classic fun

Time played: 42:13
Time spent writing review: 58:27

Overall this game was very enjoyable for the time that I played. Although there were some pros and cons in the end you turned a classic game into something that is actually pretty entertaining.
I'm not a fan of 8-bit games from the past because usually they are very repeating and the sound or game play would drive me nuts.
This review is my opinion and do not take offense to anything if you disagree because I haven't done my history involving past games nor do I know if anything was purely intended to keep the game "classic" possibly so bare with me;)
I'm going to get on with the review now!
Rating system

Game Play: 8.5
Graphics: 8
Sound: 7.5
Story: 7
Entertainment: 9.5
Difficulty: 9
Controls: 7.5
Overall: 8.1

8 - Great: a great idea, with good implementation; there may be minor issues, but nothing that would stop a reasonable player from having a great time.

Game play

The game play was nothing I haven't seen before in the past games. Simply move left, right and jump.
Not really original, but as I said this is a "classic" type of game.
You had your basic obstacles as you do in most games
-Speed strip
-Disappearing blocks
-Dropping platforms
The obstacles were basic and although they were it really spiced up the game. Of course you could have always added a more, but like I said there is more history to these types of games than I know.
You say only this for game play, but I will continue to mention game play aspects throughout my review. I also consider "fun" in the game play score.

The graphics to me were average or maybe slightly above, but apparently fantastic to many reviewers who obviously have more experience than me when it comes to 8-bit so I will give you a more worthy score.
The background was actually fairly nice because it was 3-d and surprisingly well made.
I noticed a lot of details and for ?doing it in 8-bit? or creating I should say the reviewers were certainly right. Forgive me for my lack of knowledge in this section :).

Don't get me started, I really do not like the sounds at all when it comes to 8-bit games. To my surprise it was not that bad at all and it certainly made it much more intense
Although this is really nothing new and its not something "amazing" or "fantastic" so I won't be able to give you such a great score on this part.

For the story I will just rate it upon the style of the game and the ultimate objective. So the goal is to collect as many possibly crystals as you can and make it through these sectors that are cleverly designed. Very basic and really considered classic and nothing new.

To me this is one of the most important aspects of this game, not just the rating "entertainment" but because on this part of the review I talk to you about what this game has and that others do not.
This is a type of game you've seen everywhere from the past, yet something that really is fantastic is that the sectors are random and therefore you keep the gamer wanting to play more. Or to better say he or she does not get bored.

When I first opened this game I immediately said there is no way I can review such a basic game even if it is very fun. At round 17 I thought I saw all the sectors then ultimately got bored and then I got hit by a new area! Although I died, there was still content I have yet to have seen (possibly more to)?

Like I said, I thought it was easy till a new sector showed up at round 18. I want more now and having one life makes it so much better because its a CHALLENGE. (Great job giving us a goal like to achieve 3000 crystal) PS medals broke

Very basic left-right-jump
I was very frustrated the pace of the game would change greatly. Jumping calculations would mess up because the on and off lag and even a slight difference in smoothness of the game is a matter of life or death.

I hope I can get some reply from you about my feedback because I want to improve on helping others improve.


DeadWestStudios responds:

Thanks for all that EliteLast - really appreciate the solid feedback. The sequel for Crystal Crisis will be out later this year, so if you send me a PM I can let you know how things are developing as the game is being made (and perhaps you could give a few pointers!).