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Reviews for "Why this?"

Way to long...

The simple way(just keep going)is kinda good,but the timer at the start is waaaaaaay to long.And also,its boring,even if the music is nice.Why is this frontpaged?

Pretty boring...

I agree with malomano13 it was one of the worst games I have ever played.... also for the secret medal is to play again


I want to say it was "Good" but the fact of the matter wasn't even about the lack of depth that was in this game but the very lack of meaning and overusing "Why this?" so many times that I wanted to quit midway. Even if you made it longer or added more detail into the background I would have likely been okay with it.
What really got me is that you didn't get any sorrow from it even with the music just a rather quick story that lacks sense. Like "Why did I shoot her?"
Or..."Why the hell am I jumping off a cliff?" and what ticked me off even more was that the music is exactly the same as the music in the "Colour my world" serious. I'm giving you a three because you did draw it all with the mouse and because you had a DECENT idea...next time don't rush it though.


Yes, I agree with Cragler. I really love this kind of games with mysteries but this game has no sense whatsoever.

sorry but...

where´s the fkin sense?
And the Emo atmosphere is kind of homo.