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Reviews for "Echoes: Act 1"

poor selection of a control and movespeed

good idea but the character's movespeed is too slow(even while holding the shift) and using the mouse wheel as a control for changing weapons is not a good idea because the page is being affected(scrolling).

I hope you will be able to read this review

Remove the base building.

This was so close to being a great game, it just asks you to do too much at once. Just focus on controlling troops and using abilities next time, reinforcements could be called in while in RTS mode without buildings.

That or RTS mode should pause the game so you can actually do two things at once.


After rading what Ghostwish said, it's pointless for me to write my own personalized comment.

Yet just for fun I'll say it again: great idea... the concept is there but you are lacking the gameplay side of the equation.

Also a small bug I encountered (and maybe it was just me): when you changed the run option in the settings to 'Auto-run', it doesn't do it, so I was stuck with the 'shift' run and that just ruins a chunk of the gameplay for me.

Although the chunky loading gave me an idea how packed this flash game was... really nice move with the cinematic and long story line, which brings me to the 'while in game' radio communications. I know they are there for someone who did not hear what one of them said, but maybe having an option of turning it off or making it go away would be a suitable way to tackle the issue... and with the amount of work that went into it, I doubt it would've been much trouble at all.

On that note, hope to see an ameliorated version of this (most probably will since this is Act 1).

Rather ingenious game concept, yet severly lacking

This is quite a flash game. It's a pioneer of gaming, and is setting its own path in the gaming world with the rather unique strategy and side-scrolling shooter aspects combination.
However I find that there are still numerous problems in the system.

At several points in the game I found that switching between strategy and combat mode was difficult, the button was stuck and it was necessary to click the mouse to allow me to simply play. The buildings and units are ridiculously expensive and make it impossible to survive in strategy mode without all of the machina powers and weapons.
Further more it's frustrating constantly scrolling back to a vehicle depot or a barracks to purchase more units, when instead it is arguably simpler to switch the lower selection screen from buildings to units. Because of the fact that a player will want to buy units while watching the battle progress so that he can keep an eye on his health. Then once he has finished purchasing reinforcements he can then buy more buildings after deselecting the production facility.
Why is it impossible to build turrets in front of the resource points? Survival mode is hard enough as it is, and frankly it doesn't make much sense that the resource node prevents ANY buildings from landing near it. Its reasonable if a barracks or depot can't land there but a small turret? Nonsense, they're smaller than the humvees and thus full capable of landing almost anywhere.
Units should be capable of anticipating the enemy, instead of constantly reacting to their attacks. It's very frustrating when my missile launchers die from a tank because they're to dumb to act on their own initiative.
The force field shouldn't block your own units fire. It doesn't make you invincible and rapidly consumes your batter making it marginally useful at best. Therefore it should be upgraded to allow your men to shoot past. Especially tanks and rocket men.
While fun, being thrown about from explosions becomes very tiresome surprisingly quickly. Either increase dodge or turn the throwback from an explosion into a random chance equation. Something like 15%, which also applies to NPC units and grunts as well. This should include thralls.
The missile launcher upgrade is utterly useless in-that I can kill a group of thralls or a tank, at a faster rate than a missile launcher. That's absurd.

The voice acting and dialogue are rather inexperienced. Honestly they're far to cliched and fake to be taken seriously. Particularly the main characters attempted growl, and Colonel Strickmans sore throat. Please improve these.

Your dialogue should be far less redundant. Military personnel are far more crisp and straightforward, they've no time to be subtle they're to busy doing their jobs to waste time.

I've predicted your story from this one episode, and it is interesting however I feel that you shouldn't turn Diabolus -whose name is almost a vulgar pun- into starscream from transformers. Otherwise all he will amount to is a cliched alien who acts like starscream. Alot.

Overall I think this game is amazing you've a lot to work with, and work on. Your idea is original, amusing and inventive. Still there's room for improvement. Iron out the side scroll option so that people can skip sections they abhor and watch the ones they love. Good luck because you can make it, but only if you don't break it. Otherwise the people will pick apart the bones of your ideas.

Inspire them instead. ;)

rip act two ;-; i like it very much ive played it when i was ten and now its still good