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Reviews for "Mutate the Labrat 2"

Good in artwork but bad in gameplay

so the game is good and all but man the money is realy screewd up just like sataandagi said everything is expencive if compared to the way you gani money like the income is bad sice the workers die to fast that makes them even more useless and expencive , and im not even going to talk about arena i mean you waste more money on preparing than wining making all that eforth worthless and you realy have to work on the random enconters with monsters like the ones with rank 2 monsters they are hard at the start of the game make iven worthless to leave the laboratory so please make a new version with more money income and th monsters fixes or these game will FAIL ok. Waiting for new version

changko18 responds:

made the starting money 10k with more starting miners, and less deaths

its great

its very addicting and fun,but wen a negative thing happens from fusing,ur labrats level turns to half.so it utterlly messes up the last 2 hours spent playing.


I cant implant. Please help me!!

Not bad.

Good idea, but poorly executed. Also, why do you use so many names found in Fallout 3? Radaway, Stimpacks, Psycho, Jet? Try to be creative and come up with your own names.

love the concept, the mutate and fusion part, only the crafting and implant odds are pretty broken.