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Reviews for "The New Suited (pilot)"

This is halarious... if your 11

Are your jokes written for 11 year old portugese dirt farmers?

.... that was really stupid

i didnt laugh at anypoint during the cartoon. maybe this would be nice for a little kid show cause i guess its cute and stuff but to newgrounds its just not funny at all. although i like the animation i mean its pretty profectional, just wasnt entertaining

Good job in producing, bad job in storytelling.

Bravo for making a film in such a short time. I don't think that is ever done before on the HKU.

I liked the walkcycle of E.R.I.C. seen in the leader, I think he is the best animated character in your pilot.
I'm not sure if the voice of the "mushroom" sounded more digital when the line 'your quest is not over' appeared. But it sounded like it did and I thought that was good.
Character-animation is alright, the characters respond to the voice-acting. Their faces move or bodies when talking and not only the mouth is moving as seen in anime.

I've read the comments and apparently the overall score is pretty high but for someone who is a graduation student in Bachelor Animation...I'm sorry Niels I think it sucked.
There is absolutely no dynamic in the story. You wait too long when a joke is made. As if your trying to say: 'Look everybody I'm making a joke, do you get it. Well, do you?' You did this too with your first Suited, three years ago. But your jokes are old jokes everybody gets them at the beginning when you start to make them.
You explain everything as if your afraid your audience won't understand the story and if I correctly remember your targetgroup is 13 years and older...most people who are around 13 or older are skilled in watching tv and will follow what you are trying to say, they don't need 15 seconds to understand a joke. I think you should change your target to 6 years old.
I agree the most with Davidiot. I don't mind the animation-quality is low, you can still have a great film with LQ-animation but your story is just too bad.

But even though the story is on the low side I think you will be the only one in our class earning a lot of money. Because what you have made fits well in the cartoons these days and that is what people/companies want. Series that are easy and fast to make where costs are as low as possible. You don't need a large team, you don't need too expensive software so you have succeeded in this. Maybe you should become the supervisor/director of an series and let other people do the work because you are good in producing a whole pilot and have people work for you. I think that is your best skill and leave the storytelling to others.

Good luck and I'll probably see you soon.


needs nudity

well cool but if you had sex or nudity it would be better

bad movie

The movie was quite long, and had really bad not-funny jokes meant for 10 year olds, the voice acting was annoying, especially "Suited" (What kind of name is that?)

The animation was on the low side as well, because everything was so dull, and all tweened.

The characters were horrible, although good job giving them all personalities.

Overall, I think this movie would be well in kid's tv channel, but not newgrounds. Try to up the humor. Thanks. Don't cry. I'm sorry.