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Reviews for "Castaway"

I do love this game, but here's what I don't like

Hello there. First review on Newgrounds so I'll do my best to make it count.

I do love what you did with this game, mixing various RPG elements but there's some things that have already been addressed. My only main complaint is the lack of exits and saving. I never got past the Castaway Beach simply because it was impossible to find an exit without being slaughtered by the pesky snakes, regardless of high levels.

I'm afriad I can't stand to play the game but I gave a fair rating simply because it has alot of potential.

But I promise that if this little problem has been solved in any way, I'll play the whole game through.

Anyway, the best of luck to you if you make a sequel or any other games!

Nameste (Because the game is reminding me of a certain show)


Riddled with errors.

Has great potential, but is greatly lacking.

I've read, and I agree with some of my previous posters. This game is indeed a good game but there are some lacking features, tweaks, issues, and glitches that need to be taken care of before it can qualify as a great game.

First off, i don't know if this is what you have intended, but have we given up on the whole heroic adept hero? Has the gaming world switch from a person who knows how to wield his sword, cast spells correctly, and actually use his armor/shield to its potential to a character? In one sitting of 10-15mins, i counted 4 times, FOUR. that I've missed with all 4 of my abilities (slice, slash, backstab and shield bash all used right after one another on the SAME monster) switch to my abilities, missed with my lightning and fire, and missed another 2 slashes, and 4 pet attacks.... that's 12 misses... in a row... on a monster that is 4 levels lower than myself, and this happened 4 times in a 10minute span.

Also, there was one time where ONE ice elemental in world 5, killed me from 700 hp to 0, and i had the berserk armor and iron maiden shield (the best armor and shield in the game) he killed me with 15 damage per hit... how? he stunned me and "froze" my character in the ice for the full duration and i was spamming the shield bash button, never got out of stun.

Bottom line there should be a Dexterity status to increase a solid hit rate, for this "roll of the dice" is just silly in many occasions during my game play.

Secondly, the pet. Oh dear lord the pet lol. I hate that blasted bugger, always being targetted first, and with his lack of armor he drops like a fly *sad face* and because it's unique, i tend to either make him stay at a safe place or reload the game in the rare case that he dies. If it also had increased stats in the defense department, scaling with the hero, it would be better utilized.

Third, the game was rather tedious, if you added more NPC spites rather than just the....one.... npc, just have a person in each location a mage looking person for the mage quest giver, a knight for the regular quest giver etc.

Fourth, item related drops. Do you know how annoying it is for a fan of RPG games to try and grind ice shards in world 5, a world entirely made out of ice, and killing ICE creatures to get... a FIRE shard? lol. I know this is nitpicking and i understand that the player needs additional fire/lightning shards for nuking but have item related zones. Have fire shards be found in fire creatures in "Zone A" and lightning shards from monsters from "Zone B" etc etc.

Fifth, as some have said, the movement and attack is rather, awkward. It stalls sometimes, the character/pet decides not to attack, it's rather disappointing to see.

Sixth, relating to the "tedious" comment i mentioned, it's rather repetitive, the whole quest is just telling the player "grind so that you can stand a chance against stronger monsters." and the drop rates for said quests are too low, i'm all for grinding, but with the roll the dice method of attacks (misses) and roll of the dice status ailments (poisons, stuns) and finally the roll of the dice numerous drop items from a specific monster increases stress, and decreases fun.

Well, i'm running low on "characters remaining" but i hope you don't take this review the wrong way, it was indeed a good game, but if you were to make the second one (please do, i love armor games...games >.>) just read mine, and fellow reviewers issues with the game and hopefully, we will see a great game next time.

Very Cool

But, you have a few issues.

First, the pet. I like the idea. The execution, however, is lacking. The pet seems to take damage at an incredible rate and after a while I noticed it would sometimes simply run off on its own if I target an enemy. In other words, I'd love it if your pet weren't so expendable and could actually live to grow along with you. More hp/def and less atk maybe?

Second, a map. A REAL map. That is an addition that would make this game infinitely more playable, as at the moment getting loss is fairly easy. Yes, I realize that most the game is not that far from being linear but its still a hassle to remember every screen.

Third, items. They're a nice selection and their effects are good. However, the prices seem whacked. The item that is basically an "exit" button is way to expensive. That kind of item, in an RPG, is meant to be cheap. I don't like loosing my saved data simply because I have to run the gauntlet LEAVING an area. In addition, a little cheaper heal self items would be nice. It seems the fragile pet gets most the attention when it comes to heal items but he's not the one that ends the game if he dies.

Finally, in relation to pets once again, a pet revive feature would be fantastic. Pay some gold, get back your pet you've spent all that time training. Yes, you can restart, but usually a pet dies after you've done a bit of training and thats just not fun.

Aside from these issues, you've created a very nice game that has plenty of potential to be addicting, interesting, and fun.

Nice Game

Very nice rpg, but a little tedious

I loved the look of the game, the use of pets, and the setting has promise

But, I have a few gripes:

The gameplay was a little awkward, movement and attack were not as easy as they should have been

The settings should be saveable, I got tired of constantly turning the sound off, I should be able to turn it off once and be done with it.

The frequency of getting poisoned was annoying, especially as it took several seconds to open the inventory and use the antidote - I think the game would be greatly improved with hotkeys for healing potions and antidotes

I would suggest having a menu button for reloading games, you have to restart the game in order to reload

Personally, since I think the game is fairly repetitive, I would suggest adjusting the drop rates/exp so that it can be finished quicker would be wise - long rpgs are not a bad idea, but to keep people interested, you would need more of a story and variety in terms of upgrades/equipments/enemies etc. (I quit in the grasslands, so maybe the story picked up after that)