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Reviews for "SporeCraft"


I VE GOT A PROBLEM ... i can t click.I click but nothing the cells do not respond.When i m under attack i can t do anithing i click and click but nothing it just selects the enemy cell .the same with gathering .ANYWAY AWESOME GAME


why are they so agro to me not any one else??????!!!!!!????!?!?!?!?!??!?!

Not Nad

Its quite a good, well made game however its not too original and I feel as if I have been thrown in at the deep end when I start. Well done anyhow.


Kevin Bacon.

good concept but....

i found that as DariusFan mentioned, the game was quite confusing in what was actually meant by each nutrient that was added. The way i saw it was: the red ones make you have a stronger(melee') attack; the yellow ones make u have more hp + bigger minig capacity; the green ones make you move faster (?), and the purple ones make you have a higher defense (take less damage) and makes your cell ranged. combinations of purple and red were the best for attack cells, while combinations of green and yellow for mining cells.

thats how i saw it anyway.

but my main quarell is that the game is just too easy; all that is really needed to win hands down is have a few basic attack cells harassing the enemy while you build up one super attack cell, and when it is fully upgraded (with purple/red) you just make it split until there are 8 of them, this (the splitting) will take around 1 minute (1x2x2x2), and after that you have an unbeatable army.

and the last (somewhat minor) problem, is that even though you cant make teams, even though the enemy can be the same colour as you (e.g. you can have to different teams as the colour blue, but they wont be allies), i was quite confused by this concept, and it was made more confusing when trying to attack the enemy that had the same colour and my units would randomly be deselected (as pointed out by DariusFan).

I really appreciate that this game has been based on scientific facts, but if 'dumbing it down' makes it more understandable, i think that it would be well worth the sacrafice.

If you make the AI better, incorporate some kind of non-free-for-all gameplay and make the game more understandable, i see no reason why this cant be a 10/10 game for every player.