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Reviews for "Greater Fighter"


this is a very good game, it got me playing for quite a while and it still is

here is my opinion:
-i like the strategy, shoot em up and lvl up system put together
-each fighter had their strong and weak points, actually every of them can be deadly when properly used.
-there was some high difficulty which i like, tough difficulty setting would be nice

-lvl up system is like everyone said flawed, it takes way too much time to lvl up violetta, but you can lvl up so quickly with sammy.
-sometimes, there are way too many rocks on the stage, i know it's good to grind up super shoot attack, but it gets really annoying when you can't even hit your enemy because the screen is full of them.

I just defeated the second boss, and as a response to azaelwanderer's nice review: i do agree that violetta is very slow, but if you manage to get her super shoot, it deals some insane damage, and max is actually an excellent character if used properly, he is quite deadly on down shooting enemies as his shoots spread around the screen he can get them from anywhere, and also, if you're close enough to the enemy, you can hit with 3 shoots, even all of them if good enough. and the special is deadly too, as you need not to be vulnerable to enemies attacks to do lot of damage.

Here is, imo, the best characters in order (by considering they are the same lvl):

hope that review pretty much helps you out on your next version of the game.

yeaaa probly not gettin 2 this review....

after 150 and some less then pleasing reviews u might not see it but this game deserves a comment.
first Its AWESOME! the strategy and bullet hell combines two awesome genres. I actually liked the difficulty in the beginning to get me started I found my favourite fast (blue guy btw), plus the strategy part was crucial because some enemies need that one character to pull off, or conversely unbeatable with certain characters. Gameplay was good 4 me i don't see the "stickniess" everyone complains of and the characters truly are unique in play which has its ups and downs.

Now the bad stuf :\
1.The controls
worked ok for me no sticking or watever except for diagonal to the top left (<+^) for some reason left and up don't want to work together its pretty important for fighting the eternity line shooters.
2. Some characters are just plain bad
idk if u got carried away but I certainly couldv dealt with out the max who has no accurate shot to use or violetta who lacks speed, spread, AND dfence is a fail at fast moving and strong enemies...which is everyone. she was untrainable when i got her.
3. Monotony.
after about lvl 4 i could sweep the first lvl with just my 3 guys alone. so getting the other ppl was a bonus so i thought "sweet! i should kik ass on lvl 2 rite?" wrong avg. lvl jumped from 3 to 8 not to mention that enemies abilities got insanely tougher. I replayed lvl 1 so much it isnt fun nymore and lvl2 is still to hard.
4. lvlup?....plz?
I might not be stuck on lvl 1 if the lvl system wasn't so annoying. I think its based off of how much stuff you hit which screws high damage units because they win too fast to shoot all day and it doesnt take into consideration what your hitting i could sit on my but and shoot asteroids all day, but its boring id like some kindof reward for taking out 70,000 health from the all powerful triangle.

phew...what was that 1000 characters? god i need to get to work sometime. hope some chance of you seen this I really do like playing it, maybe if i could use those extra points for somethin id play all the way through but it got too boring doin the same lvl.

Make version 2 if u plz :)

Such potential...

This could have been a great game. It's very fun, and looks good, but you need to work on some of the mechanics. Adding specials to the mercs made it a lot more playable, but your EXP system is nonsensical. The orange guy levels up almost instantly with his special, as does Sammy at low levels. The slow shooting guys with non area of effect attacks are basically unlevelable, unless you sink in an absurd amount of time.

There should be bonus EXP for defeating a fighter. This would help fix the problem. Also, there should always be a way to win. The second boss's attack where he shoots all around himself and rams you is undodgeable at times, especially if you combine characters. That's just frustrating.

You should need less EXP to level up, and gain higher EXP for battling enemies above your rank. For instance, if I finish off a level 10 with a level 1 guy, I expect to gain at least 2 levels.

Limiting the ability to combine to one player is silly. It'd be better to either give all 3 mains that ability, or include mercs. Otherwise, it just doesn't come up often.

Fun game play but far too difficult

The game play, graphics, animation everything really are really top notch some of the best I've seen here. The difficulty level is just too gnarly it really discourages people from playing more then once because they feel it takes to much time to level up enough to be competitive with the in game enemies

Turn ending bug.

Good game. I had to stop playing because of a bug, but still, very good.

The bug in question is this; sometimes, on the last character's turn, I'll attack, then go to move, and the turn will end, the character will fail to move, and the enemy's turn will not begin. Nothing on my part can fix it; tried the button, tried selecting other characters, tried everything to no avial.

it's pretty fucking infuriating, because of the allready slow leveling of the game.

Second complaint, which also ruined it for me. The baddies with the constantly firing guns that cover most of the screen; I avoid their bullets by staying between the streams, but then they move all the way over to one side of the screen, and I'm fucked. no where to run, no where to hide, bam, there goes my !@#$ing ship.

If there were some way to prevent this death, and fix this bug, I would gladly finish this game. But with this getting in the way, I can't imagine wasting my time trying to beat that second boss. (In hindsight, guessing I could try to start on the other side of the screen, so I don't get squished, but I still might die. Not gonna bother.)