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Reviews for "Street Fighter Club"


XD great


This is not funny at all...

Not that bad.

SO, I saw some other flash parodying this and it's not as bad as it makes it out to be. It definitely overuses memes and doesn't follow anything a street fighter fan would particularly care about/laugh at.

That being said, the animation wasn't that bad and of course the voice acting was great. 3/5. But just barely.

It felt rushed.

The only reason the King was involved was to set up for these jokes
"Damn it, Now I'm hungry for Taco Bell!"/
"Haha you eat to much anyway Rufus, cause you're such a Fat Fuck." - Rufus/Ryu

All of which are forced, out of nowhere without buildup and are... partially prejudiced? First El Fuerte screams out foods of mexican originality (Blowing up Link, for some reason.) for no apparent reason only to have Rufus complain about being hungry; Ryu's only reply would be to insult him of course.

In order to write effective comedy Rina you have to build up to a punchline, lay out a set of facts for instance look at Happy Harry for a moment and the Flash Chuck's New Tux.

Immediately he starts off with a premise, Chuck has to get to a big dance without getting his tux dirty and hilarity ensues. He goes through all kinds of obstacles that would be nearly impossible to dodge for a guy helplessly rolling forward on a skateboard and yet he's absolutely fine, every time using repetition to show that Chuck is incredibly lucky.

Then he Slides off of a ramp and bam he's flying straight towards a cake that he can't possibly avoid creating a subconcious suspense to the viewer, is he going to just avoid this or-

And then the punchline hits you square across the jaw, Chuck is impaled on a set of spikes in his death throes, something you completely wouldn't expect from such a pleasant and saturday morning build-up.

All I see from this animation is helpless attempts at pop-culture reference in a dyslexic order with no structure or reason. While if the content is random enough it can be funny, for instance the end-scene with Ken consistently shoryukening in the guys face for no apparent reason along with Fei Long flying around like a crazy asshat holding a hamburger is the only scene that tickled my funny bone even slightly.

On top of the shoddily constructed jokes the artistry looks like it was done fast, without much polish or comprehension of human anatomy. While neither of those are necessary I feel bad that the joke can't save the animation because Scoot himself is a decent animator.

This should not have been a street fighter parody as I didn't see much spoofing of the inherent silliness within the game such as how every character in the game can jump about 10 feet in the air, or how the A.I. Instantly shoryukens any move you're about to do or even just how crazy they sound/look.

For instance Adon just looks fucking hillarious and never stops saying Jaguar.
Make a segment where it's going through his daily life, hell have him eating breakfast with Sagat (TIGER BREAKFAST, JAGUAR BREAKFAST) then have him go through the rest of his day, Jaguar Shopping, Jaguar Commuting, Jaguar Talking, Jaguar Gaming, Jaguar Sleeping, Jaguar Breakfast
Over and
Over and

Until he can't take it anymore, "JAGUAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
" as he held onto his head until it popped.

