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Reviews for "Street Fighter Club"

Ackaptjh. he he.


ok lets be fair

this is a good flash and the people who worked on it tried pretty hard. there were some awkward moments but most of this flash was funny. people who have watch chode however are the types who get influenced to easily, bias is what kills good flashes like this.

Review got deleted, so here's attempt number 2!

This Flash was TERRIBLE! And if that's not helpful enough, maybe "stop writing this 4chan garbage and come up with something a little more respectable" would be? I have nothing agains't you Scoot, but Rina-chan... my God, unless you THRIVE on being trolled, get the hell off of 4chan and write your own jokes.


Well, since you got my review deleted, let me try again.

"I can see a certain sensibility in things- they aren't just completely random, it so happens that there are character centric gags in there, and partly well played. I mean come on, Crimson Viper's scream IS EARSPLITTING. I instantly chuckled at that 'scream attack'- it's just how it is in the game, actually painful to the player's ears. Those 'annoying fat' kids in the background, it gave me a laugh, even though the actual execution of them was sloppy. And 'Shoryuken/Shureyoucan', hehe, that was fun. Chun-Li's 'thunderthighs' gave me a smile- nice visual on the part of Scoot.

Even the King reference wasn't all that bad. Sagat's joke was something about breakfast, and the reference refers to 'what's for dinner', naturally. It's a weak gag, but what the hell people? It's not completely misplaced. The reaction shot of him later in the film was pretty funny, considering he was already in there. Nice nod to his earlier appearance.

Generally, a few of the things that were worked in could have been pulled off better, and some of the popular references seem out of place. What is 'a game' about Honda punching in a drinks dispenser? It doesn't make sense.

It feels that way, probably because some of the actual 'visual punchlines' are weak, when the characters' heads spin around. If they had gone over-the-top in a visually comical way, lovingly drawn and animated, it would go down a little smoother. Generally speaking, put across why the moment is character-centric. So even if a joke is somewhat weak, it's enough to stir something. Hence, I was almost-warmed by the silly Honda sequence because of his eyes-popping.

Overall, it was lukewarm, not brilliant, but I don't think it's as bad as everyone's making out. I will say it's not worth a 4/5 as it was, but I think people really need to chill out a bit and realise it's just a bit of fun. If they don't like it, they really don't have to come trolling, with comments like 'Runka Chunk', 'steaming pile of horse shit', and basically insult the thing. That's not what we're about, and we should never be about that, amirite?"

Is that better? Less offensive to you all, perhaps? Maybe this time you won't downrate it to oblivion?

Because you know, that would be nice. Just saying.


Bad jokes, bad flash, not funny. Seriously, re-read your jokes before making another bad video.