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Reviews for "DarkBase 3 - Phoenix Team"

It's a clusterfuck with weak weaponry. (ò_ó)

Good game, but I must be missing something.

When the mandatory mission comes up where I have to defend yellow marines, I pick the best weapon possible, hire ALL the marines, and I still get beaten. Badly.

The damage I do with my character is simply pathetic, while my hired goons shoot magnums and kill everything in two shots. It makes no sense. I get a rifle and it's like a freakin' pea-shooter. I get the shotgun and it has like a five foot range. WTF!

Enemies don't even have to "touch" you to injure you, it sucks big time. The red dog-things that move extremely fast are the biggest threat. They make a beeline straight to you, and if you don't fire at them they'll undoubtedly hit you. On top of that, you can easily get swarmed; no where to maneuver or run, and your own allies can get in the way of your movements. No, I take that back... you WILL get swarmed, because your weapons are too damned weak to kill them faster than they spawn. Your character moves too slowly (before, in the last two games, she moved like twice as fast. What gives?) compared to what comes at you.

The types of enemies that can spawn pisses me off. At first I'm fighting these retarded purple dog-beasts, then some tyrannosaurus (DrakoSaurus?) appears. No, not just one, but THREE of them. At once. Did I mention my weapons are weak sauce? By the time I can kill just one of these things, there are 12 more enemies crowding around me, ripping my tight, sensual, leather (yet so efficient) clothes. They tear into my pink dainty flesh over and over, and I have no where to run. Just a bombardment of screams, gunshots, and then eventually... nothing. I die a dishonorable death, wondering if I'll have the patience and courage to retry the same level for the 10th time, with most likely the same outcome. I'll probably make it if I dole out more money than I'm rewarded.

The one feature I feel is lacking is the experience system. Too many weapons to level, too many goons to hire to level up efficiently. Too many things, items, and upgrades in such a "one way" game. It's like fitting two jigsaw pieces together by banging on them with a hammer. It just doesn't seem right.

Sorry. It's just frustrating. I've tried, but can't enjoy the game the way it is. Why is there a time limit on a guarding mission? I accidentally step outside the guard point and the timer resets, which sometimes means that the mission timer will expire faster than the guard timer. Game over no matter what I do at that point.

There are some misleading mission infos that also make it kinda sucky. Guard this for one minute, turns out to be two minutes... etc. etc. The fact that hiring "Bot" over and over is not possible further on in the game (since he's so crappy, basically), why bother having him able to level up his stats/weapon? I know if I hired him right now for this mandatory mission, I have no chance in hell of succeeding.

I'll keep trying at it. I don't find it "too difficult", but rather the problematic little things that keep my character in the grave. Can't move with hired mercs in the way, weapon fires too slowly or is too weak, enemies bumrush you faster than you can fire. Blah blah blah. You've read enough.

Working map and locator please.

The missions are kinda impossible to do without knowing where you are.

Xplored responds:

There's a Map, with a locator of Alice (biggest light blu spot), your marines (green spots) and all active enemies (red spots).
Just press "M" while playing.
It's written in the "Controls" (just press "O" to open the page during the game) and also iduring the ingame tutorial.
Is it what you are asking for?

Not verry good

It lacks in many ways and the weapons are way to weak compared to the amount of things you need to kill

3 months and this is the end result?

Its a long game yes, i must say i was a fan of the first game, never got around to the second, But this is just a sad excuse for the series. You tried to bring in a whole lot more elements, Hire your own people, see what guns work best, do the missions in whatever order you want; But the game is VERY VERY VERY unbalanced.

Each rank isnt enough to make up for the increase in enemies and strength, Hiring 4 people doesn't help your odds any, because the majority of enemies target you and only you anyways, And the "experiance" system progresses so slow, your better off buying the big guns as soon as they come into display, and pray to god you have enough medkits for this level. All the maps look and act the same, and hit detection for enemies are very out of whack.

Plus, in the landing cutscene it shows 0 enemies in sight, but as soon as your dropped off 8 enemies spawn right next to you and your squad, ripping your health in half first thing.

Great ideas, poor execution.


I shouldn't be bored when I play a game. Maybe if there were more music or if the camera wasn't at such a strange angle, then I would have fun, but I only see this as taking up space on Newgrounds server. If this were included in a 20 games CD, I would think it shouldn't be included & even just a Pac-Man clone would be more fun.