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Reviews for "Being One - Episode 4"

8/10 stars

well I think the end was quite short, and maybe too easy.
still altogether, the game is quite good!
keep up with the good work!

Psionic3D responds:

Thanks, I thought I'd made it much harder but obviously you guys are just too good!!


A great game, but the epilogue was very disappointing.
If the series was both practice and a joke then well done, but otherwise...
try again

plz someone answer me

when i first played this game on NG there was kind of werewolf game, alot pixels and blood and such, but i dont know what it was called like, someone can tell me? thx.
PS: i tried this game too, although i dont like this kind of games, this one had some kind of creepy look, and i like it, :-)
Bye NG'ers.

so thats it?

the ending wasnt as bad as everyone says it was , it was just poorly executed i fell in love with the series when i played the first one but the sequels just seemed to be a step in the wrong direction ... overall the story was well written and the series was pretty fun overall but it just felt like every sequel had a cheap gimmick to keep it going .... well anyway thanks for making a good game series and i hope to see more from u in the future

From the start I couldn't help but feel that maybe we'd already missed an opportunity for a mystery to solve, because rather than have it as something you discover, it's instead made blatantly obvious from the beginning that this is to be based around werewolves. It's so obvious that you needn't have even played the previous game (which also suggests werewolves could be featured). Flash games can never be special effects driven, so I really think (in my opinion) that the same idea approached in a more subtle way would be better - as I've said in my reviews for previous games in this series.

Also, this game unfortunately fell back on a flaw that was present in the 2nd game of the series - the emergence of situations where the game will not let you exit a puzzle until it's deemed that you've solved it. It certainly ensures that people won't miss anything and have to go back and retrace their steps (thereby keeping the game moving quickly), but it makes this game not a point and click adventure game as you would normally expect, but instead a point and click story. Your cerebrum will not be needed.

That said, there are many positives aspects here, that you will not find in many other games. Where the game does try to be subtle and then shock you, it succeeds. It would just slightly benefit more by giving you less hints beforehand what those shocks will be, but that it's able to still do that regardless is an achievement. Also, I'm sure you are all familiar with having to collect a set of items in game - well for once it's for something that's actually worth it!

I thought the ending was an interesting twist, but I do hope it twists again. Despite the negatives, I think this game is still worthy of 4 stars.