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Reviews for "The Tickler"

It's Alright

Passes the time. Overall it's okay, but there are many small problems.

The graphics are pretty lousy, there are a few bugs (getting another invulnerability powerup on top of another can stop the music), and no matter what your speed is, getting to the edges of the map is incredibly hard to do quickly. Then again, this isn't meant to be a fantastic piece of gaming, so for what it's worth it's pretty good.


(And it's "Hydraulic", by the way.)

Npot bad at all.

YOu control the bot with your mouse and swing it around and it grabs things, shocks thim, and basically tears them to pieces. The game play is pretty good. Theres no story line (considering its a hack and slash game), so as far as hack and slashes go... I'd say its not to bad but its far from the best.

Very Nice

It's very fun and the fact that there are upgrades to get keeps you hooked and trying to upgrade everything. The only downside is that sometimes it is too easy to get hit

Fun for the first few levels...

..But even after that I couldn't stop! I was a little disappointed that the levels leading up to the last level were harder than the last. Even still, fun game.


That game was really great and much fun to play, the only thing that is really missing is a pause function that is accessable by keyboard.

This is very annoying if your mouse is stuck sometimes. Then the enemies just crash against you and you may eventually win, but without gaining money (except for the 100$ for completing the level).