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Reviews for "Agony: The Portal"

something went wrong, try that again!

I am so tired of that error message. If you are going to make us pay for items, at least use a system that works. I am a patient man, but when It takes me 20 minutes and I still don't have my free item, I get a little annoyed.
But other than that the game was OK.

Good game with potential, but flawed

Overall, I thought it was a nice game and I've spent several hours playing it.
Like others, I have however found several things you could imrpove in future games.

First of all: The store system. In a way, I can understand the reason behind it. I however do not understand why you ONLY go for the store. Eventhough ads aren't doing well these days, I bet you'd still earn more of them than from the few people that actually buy something in the store.
As also said before, the items in the store would make the game way too easy. Without paying, the game was already very easy, so I can't even imagine how it would be with items that are atleast twice as strong.
I also agree with others that if you want people to pay, you need to offer something that is worth it (so not something that takes the fun out of the game).

Graphics: As said before, they are nice at first, but because you basically only change the guards' colors and/or armors, it gets repetitive.

Sound: The constantly repeating few tones were annoying imo. After a while, I just turned my sound off. (I missed the option to turn of music/sound effects)
The sound effects were not really better. The laughter of the little guys was really annoying and out of place (who laughs when they are being attacked and near annihilation?). Same goes for the laughter of your character.

Skills: These were indeed way too weak. In the end, I only used health. The other skills were so weak, you could only use them to stun your enemies for a second orso or to knock them back a bit.

Character Upgrade: The only thing you should have upgraded was Fitnesse. Upgrading Finesse was so useless because it only went up with less than a % each time. Magic was useless because the magic skills were far from strong, even with upgrading.

Fighting: The fighting got repetitive. I missed the ability to do combo's with your normal attack and different kind of normal attacks, you always had the same swing. Jumping and attacking was also pointless. You first of all couldn't hit enemies in the air and you still had the same old swing.
The same old attacks from your enemies also got boring. The bosses should have atleast each an unique special attack.

Items: The items were nice, but in the end they made you very powerfull (and I'm not talking about the uberitems in the store). It however seemed that near the end of the game, you ran out of inspiration, because you were hardly getting any new items.
The graphics of the items were also very repetitive. Most items were either exactly the same, or they only had a tiny detail different. Once in a while, you'd get a different looking item, but the next items would be the same again.

Darwin mode: It was nice to be able to continue playing with all your skills, items, etc. after finishing the game and be able to upgrade.
It is however extremely repetitive because you get wave after wave after wave of the same enemies with the same attacks.
After the 5th wave orso, the game started lagging, and because there wasn't any option to change the quality, the game lagged so much that just one attack would take several seconds and made it impossible to do anything.
Unlike the campaign this one however got hard fast, but that also could be because of the lag.

Story: It had a great start, but it got really repetitive in the end.

So summary:
Store system: If you want to make money, you should atleast include ads. The items were also too powerfull.
Graphics: Nice at first, but because you used the same enemis over and over again, it got repetitive.
Sounds: "Music" were just a few tones and irriting. Laughter of enemies illogical.
Skills/Upgrades: Useless because they were too weak.
Items: Nice idea, but made you too powerfull and again same graphics over and over.
Darwin Mode: Also great idea, but repetitive and lags.
Story: Great start, you however blew it by also beign repetitive in it.

Extra suggestions: Include settings! (Sound, Music, Quality, etc.)

Overall: I liked playing the game. It had lots of potential, but it had a lot of flows and was really repetitive.


Nothing I can say has not already been said, but I will briefly recap:

Mediocre graphics
Poor soundtrack
Useless skill sets that seem excessively like filler
and repetitive to the point of boredom

I see both sides of the "donations" business. I must, however, agree with the "don't do this," camp. You have successfully irritated those people that you have just previously stated you rely upon for ad revenue. Thereafter, you tried to incorporate a donation system into a generally run of the mill game. I do not write stories, removing contextual paragraphs, but let the reader know that they can read those paragraphs if they are willing to do surveys or give me money. This is especially not the case if my stories are prone to redundancies and plot holes.

People would simply stop reading my work.

Lastly, I must mention a particular pet peeve of mine concerning game exposition. If something is "long forgotten," or "beyond rememberance," or "lost to the annals of time," then how is it that we know about it and are given the luxury of playing out our character's ambitions?

I appreciate flash makers. You provide me with 'time killers' and sometimes, genuine fun. You will not convince me that I came to a free to play website so that I might pay someone money, unless you place before me a shining gem of gaming glory.

Best of luck and good fortune to you.

Grate game

I enjoyed it, saddly I couldn't donate >.< but all and all grate game :3 10/10

Decent game, maybe below decent.

It isn't a bad game, but neither is it a good game.

Lets open up with graphics: they were boring. I don't mean that your art sucks, I'm just saying that they were boring. Everything was just reused again, just re-skinned. At first, it was very nice and fres, but about halfway through the game, they become tedious and boring.

Not only are your graphics boring, so is the gameplay. The gameplay is repetitive beyond relief. Like, the graphics, they are nice at first, but you start to dislike it. The enemies and their attacks were the same, even with the kings/bosses. They. Were. All. The. Same. The only difference was that they were a different skin. The difficulty of this is very very easy. The first thing you get when you play the game, heal. You can spam too, sadly. So when you are fighting and are dying, just run away and heal. It was not considered very hard, even on Insane mode. Just keep adding into the charge attack and heal, with some teleport.
Let's talk skills. Most of the attacks were utterly useless. I found that the charge attack, the first one you get, was the most effective, when leveled enough. You would go far distances and hit a lot, whilst knocking the enemies back. The other attack skills besides teleport were useless and weren't needed. Also, with the charge skill, I am able to go about a screen and a half without hitting an enemy, but sometimes, an enemy could be about a screen away, I rush him, but I wouldn't be able to hit him. Why? Let's go to the "magic". You have the basic fireball. Why doesn't it go straight? The only usefulness it has was the jump+down+fireball, to hit mobs. The fireball should have gone straight, because the comet skill was the same thing. The saw blade thing wasn't very useful. It wasn't very strong, either. The two skills after fireball took too long to charge, without doing that much damage. Let's look at the last branch. The healing skill was the only thing I got from it. I "maxed" it out. Notice the quotations. I leveled enough so it would only heal 20% HP. The more I leveled it, the more the recharge would take, without getting more heal. Srsly. Wth. The skills are too few, especially when they aren't very useful.
The controls. You have basic controls, they are fine, though, when holding down attack and your turn, I would stop attacking. It get's annoying. Also, usually a spell would be fully charged, and I would just stand there and press the button and wait a few seconds for the skill to activate. If that was due to it not being done, make it flash or something, to notify it is done. The attacks were boring. When I mean attacks, I mean attack. You only have one basic attack, no chain attacks (without using skill ones), nor do you have different sprites. Also, when you are jumping, no sprite difference? I don't know about you, but that bothered me.

And let's get to the store. The store. Why don't you allow the player to buy weapons with in game currency instead of real life currency? And besides, those weapons would have broken the game. They are unfair. Anyways, if you wanted to get paid, you would have made something like an EXPANSION PACK. Something actually worth money. The system you have now is flawed. It makes the game easy, possibly driving the player away.

The sound. The sound was very very repetitive, so repetitive. You used the same track throughout the whole game. And that track was a loop of some very repetitive sounds.

Let's recap. The graphics are boring and repetative, only using reskins. The gameplay is repetitive aswell. The skills weren't special and were mostly useless. The store system was flawed, as you would be paying to make the game extremely easy. The weapons you DO find however, do the job quite easily, so buying weapons is pointless. The sound was repetitive and annoying, with no variety.

Everything in this game was repetitive, in every way possible. It just isn't fun. I still don't see why anyone would pay for a FLASH game, let alone a not very good one.

I give you a 6/10
Not very good, not very bad. To improve, just add some variety.