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Reviews for "BlownOutOfProportion4 (1)"

I cant help but wonder..

if non-Candians get half your references lol
stupid al anon commercials

anywya, funny video, yeah your animation lacks but its uiniquely yours. you arenyt going for some south park cheapness, or sprite cheapness, or characters with floating hands and no arms..you made your own, and to be honest its not that bad, its not amazing, but it gets the job done and gives your animations a unique look.

you should invest in a decent mic , sometimes it sounds echoey

other than that, keep up the good work, Just cause Canadian television usually sucks, doesnt mean we can't entertain! rock on canuck buddy

JunkYardAnimations responds:

hahahaha!! thanks... i didnt know that al anon was strictly Canada... nonetheless even Americans would find it amusing that Thomas is poking fun at an alcoholics anonymous commercial

Pretty funny!

Its just begging for a Fast forward or scene select, tho. Being the dumbass that I am I accidentally clicked away like 8 minutes into it.

JunkYardAnimations responds:

LOL, well Part 1 is only 10 minutes anyway so u wont miss much if u skip ahead to Part 2... itll be on YouTube soon tho, so u can skip ahead 8 minutes in

the jokes are good but...

i like the jokes man
but the animtion is kinda poor made =\
it's really not fun to watch it like that

stil i gave you a 7 on the jokes...

JunkYardAnimations responds:

i agree man but i dont want to be an animator i want to be a comedy writer, so im really glad you liked the jokes cause thats what i love to do! :)


I seriously dig this entire scene here (all three parts) around such a common cliche group. And I mean that. My senior class is like that, where if you ain't talking about little Peters and Pussy cats, you ain't human. And the lesbian loving teacher? Just like my physics teacher; loud, careless, and lets us know every time when he blows wind. Girls in my class? Think just rude the girls in your video speak. My friends? If we ain't cussing each other out every other minute, we're looking out to massacre other jerk wads who just don't seem to understand the word courtesy and skinhead (yeah, its that disfunctional.) But hell, it works for society.
As for the video factors itself, not bad at all, and not to be rude at all JYA, but ever since you've been making flash vids, I haven't really seen any change from style, humor, and voice. I think your kind of predictable now with your work, but I think some kind of spark for spontaneous out-roar lies within your mind somewhere. And one last review: try to work around your audio quality. It sounds (how do I put it?)..... obsolete.
Either way, I'm a satisfied viewer (as you may also see because of my lengthy review), so I'll leave it at that. Good Hunting Mr. Lubanski.

JunkYardAnimations responds:

werd up, glad u enjoyed it... and yea i agree the animation and sound quality isnt the greatest but its tough to improve on those two things when your teaching yourself, and i do this for free so i dont really have extra time to put into great animation i want to focus more on comedy writing

very mediocore

audio quality wasnt such a big deal, but same tune between scenes is getting old real fast. try mixing it up a bit. also add some quiet background music, it will help the large amounts of dialog seem less boring.

I know animation isnt your major concern and u focusing on writing, but it makes ur entire flash seem rough. maybe you could cut down overall cartoon length, allowing u to focus more on the animation. theres alot of pointless stuff in there u could cut out. no offense to ur writing, i found the jokes to be pretty funny, but it feels like im waiting too long for the next punchline.

the pauses inbetween different people talking seem to be a tad too long. the conversations dont seem to flow naturally. Try making them closer together. it will making the story move a bit faster and helps those jokes be a lil funnier. remember the main thing about being a comedian is the DELIVERY.

main points
-take more time on animation and up the FPS
-try to condense the script and make convo smoother

JunkYardAnimations responds:

Ya for sure, personally i thought a few conversations dragged on a little too long too, you dont realize until after the scenes animated then its kinda too late. And next time ill get my bro to make me some background noise/music because it really helps move along the slow scenes. But i showed it to my buddies quiet a few times before uploading and they were on the floor laughing saying everything was perfect so i took their advice and uploaded but im glad im getting some good feedback from you guys and constructive critism, thanks a lot bro, hope u see improvements with the next one! :)