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Reviews for "Lastman"

Fuck your ads bro.

Those ads that interrupt the gameplay every X number of death are so annoying, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DESIGN A GAME OF TRIAL AND ERROR WHEN YOU DIE ALOT!

I am sorry but you have to remove this, I know you want to make money but put them where they don't hinder my fun.

oh my god!

this is impossible to beat! I only get pass the crabs, and in the trampoline I got pwned

Currently Impossible

Your Video is of a different game, you can't make the jump to the green platform, Atleast I wanna Be The Guy was possible, learn from the masters of impossible games :)


I love games like this. Short, simple platformers that make you work a bit in order to complete them. You, however, break two fundamental rules of making a good game.

1. Don't make the player feel frustrated.
It's a very hard line to walk, making the player feel challenged without making them feel frustrated. You have not only crossed this line, you have fallen off the cliff on the other side. This game is so frustrating that it doesn't even feel challenging. The lobsters are supposed to die when I jump on them, yet half the time I do they kill me instead. The shells are supposed to kill enemies when I kick them but half the time they kill me before going off anywhere. There are many, many more examples, but I believe I've made my point.

2. Don't disrupt the game play.
I have every respect (and even admiration) for a game that intelligently includes advertisements. However, I will not tolerate disruption of my game play. Especially since your game is designed so heavily around do it, fail, learn, try it again ad naseum, having to wait after any death completely ruins the game. In a nutshell, if you had not included those ads, you would have been earning money as I viewed your pre-loader ads, your game page ads and any other ads you may have included in a non disruptive manner. As it is, you're earning nothing from me.

Include checkpoints. This one, solitary, simple change would have turned your game from a festering spew of frustration into a gleaming gem of challenge. Don't get me wrong, there'd still be work to be done, but this one thing would send you well on your way.

Have the lobsters lower their claws most of the time. Pixel perfection is rarely fun and never in large doses. Let the player time their jump properly to avoid the claws rather than having to land on the one pixel that won't cause their death.

Include ads as obstacles. Yup, a big square ad in the middle of the road that we're forced to look at so much that we have to figure out how to get around it. This is completely non-disruptive to our game play and, and will display even more as people get better at the game.

In conclusion: your game is not fun. It would have been if you'd made a few decisions in a more intelligent manner, but it's not. I will not put myself through the crap you're trying to pile on me just to make it to the end of a game.


srry dud the game is riduculous. its not fun its just frustrating. it starts out hard and only gets harder.

PiGPEN responds:

Shall i make a game that starts out impossible and get's somewhat easier?