all the kings horses and all the kings men?
Forgot to give a damn about this flash.
you left out half the tale. DX
all the kings horses and all the kings men?
Forgot to give a damn about this flash.
you left out half the tale. DX
It's official...
The Emo generation learned how to use flash. Seriously what is up with all these suicide flashes? I liked the abstract drawings but this flash was lame but I'll give it a five since it was short lived garbage.
Way to short, all it was, was a nursery rhyme which doesn't have anything to do with an egg(humpty was a British gun), and turned it into a suicide. The Art Style was however quite excellent but the whole piece itself is lacking.
ok work
I liked the whole style and everytning but the the shooting him self bit was little over the top for me maybe a leap of faith instead of suicide that's just me. sry if i offended the creator of this work.
It was depressing. It was short and it didn't have a storyline 2 it. It was just like:
Man, im depressed. POW. I'm dead. But it wasnt tooo bad.