it was ok i guess ive seen better sucide animations though could have been loonger also
it was ok i guess ive seen better sucide animations though could have been loonger also
Well i'm glad that you are not my sisters teacher. "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty blew his brains out kids any questions?" Lol. Sick. Shouldn't his "blood" be yellow and white from egg yolk though? ;)
not twisted
just sad, short, good animation, yet just sad
??bad graphics??
well astalafesta humpty .......... kinda a weird movie thing bad graphics i just dont no why would he kill himself just because he got dumped bye his girlfriend ....................(so many more girls in the world)
WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT,was fucking stupid, but the animation was awesome and the touches of old nordic art was beautiful