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Reviews for "The Last Fight"


i am totally digging your flash =)

Helluva job

The only thing I found "interesting" about it was the ending. The build up was there, the story was there, but the execution and how it ended just seemed to come out "blahish" to me.

I think you did a great job since it was all handwritten. I mean, that's just fascinating. Some Disney big wigs should be looking at you for your work ethic alone. lol.

Why Does This Have Such A Low Rating?!

This was amazing. If you have never tried animation, and say this sucks oh my fucking god it is just about the most complicated thing in the world for such a simple output. I love this style, not too professional, but also not too crappy for me to loose interest. I hate AMV's and I only like a handful of animes myself, but I really enjoyed this.

It was alright

Work on the flow of things and add more Frame By Frame animation.
FrameByFrame animation is where you animate all of the movements, instead of moving a still image around.
It will make people like this a whole lot more. I loved the Full Body style, it was very good.

I look forward to seeing more animations from you.


I haven't done a review in a while, but your video intrigued me enough to write a review of it.
Graphics: 80/100
The artwork was impressive, and that fact that it was all done on paper and then scanned in is even more impressive. However, even though the artwork was impressive and the style interesting, it wasn't "great." But, the real killer was most of your scenes were still frames, and you panned the camera. Yes, I know it's a crap load of work to draw every scene, but that's really what separates "good" from "great."
On a side note, and this did not effect my scoring of your video. Traditional animation-to me-is like a black and white movie, while black and white movies can still serve a purpose (and I think will always be used in at least bits or whole movies) it is going backwards. Occasionally, a black and white movie can work, like Schindler' List, but it fit with the movie, and made the movie better.
Now, the animation in this video did actually fit with the video, it gave it that wispy out in the middle of nowhere feeling. However, I watched Xent-Love and I thought the animation was better then The Last Fight. However, it did not fit the video. You mentioned something about not having a tablet in Xent-Love so I don't know if that is why you are hand drawling your videos. Please, don't misunderstand me I love traditional animation. I wish more good movies would be done in traditional animation. (I guess you could say I'm torn between the old and new.) However, do stories that bring out the animation, and not ones that people walk away from saying, that could have been drawn much better on a computer.

Audio: 100/100
I loved the song, and the music fit perfectly with the story. Also, the sound was crisp and clear.

Storyline: 150/200
The storyline had its good points. The story and the animation was what intrigued. Yet, it seemed rushed, and the video seemed more like a preview then a complete video. I want to know more about the character, and about his brother, and what is happening to them. One couldn't really feel the character's pain because viewers did not know the character, and it would have involved more work, and probably another video or two. But, it would have been an awesome series, and still could be. I would suggest on you next videos bring out the character, if you are going to take the time to hand draw the story tell enough of the story so people know what's happening, and get to know the character.

Replay Value: 60/100
It was entertaining enough to watching it again, and the fact that it is done traditionally would make me show it to other. However, I would not show it as proof that traditional animation is alive and well.

Overall score: 390/500 = 78/100
Gave you a 4/5 on the submission vote.

If you are doing traditional animation because you don't have a tablet or are having a hard time drawling on a computer, but want to make movies keep going until you can work with a computer. But, if you are doing it to make a point or because you love traditional animation, which I suspect that is what you are doing, make a movie that will inspire people to follow after your footsteps. Make something that will shock people about how good traditional animation can be, and how it can actually help tell a story. Yes, it will take a lot of work, and a lot of hours. And, you don't get any reward for all the time and effort put into it, except critics leaving comments about how traditional animation is going backwards (like me). But, I think it would be cool to show us wrong, and be the person who brought traditional animation to the internet.
Now, I know I sound like I am contradicting myself; but remember I said it has it's uses, and it is still cool to be able to draw on paper.

P.S. Yeah, I know my review is long, but I figure if people are going to take the time to make an animation or game. The least I can do is take my time and give them a full review.