I think i just S**t my pants
Good job man
Reminded of my past nightmares... I hated them. Everything would look normal, feel normal, but I knew it wasn't... then whenever I looked into a dark area, eyes would be looking back at me. Followed by some demondog jumping out and ripping into me, then I would awake. Makes you wonder if things in nightmares are just figments in your head, or much much more.
I liked it. I'm always into these... um creatures. They're cool ;P What if they exicted :O [5/5 10/10]
That was one sick ride!
By far one of the most surreal and disturbing animations I've seen: causing me to cringe in fear while laughing at the same time (very odd for me to be doing both). Your bizarre imagination deserves credit while it scares me right the f&*% out. ..It does one more thing, it makes me understand what schizophrenics have to deal with (I've only have heard of what they've seen).
Thanks! I've known a few schizophrenics who saw some ultra-bizarre stuff, like giant melting faces and floating fuzzy spheres, it always made me think!