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Reviews for "Madness Tribulation II"

not as i expected it

i give you a five because it seems to me that you have really put some effort in drawing and animations but...
Where is Madness style? i think that there is too much "story" and not as much nonsense killing as it should be... i mean, germans? nazis? can't you just kill everything that moves?

Indeimaus responds:

Note taken, lol.


wheres the action seriously there was not enough shooting


you're drawing it out too much...these sequels should have more thought into them...and PLAN to end them, instead of these "Oh, hey..this person's alive and gona kill", BS
it's mediocre story line

I liked the idea but....

I liked the idea but everyone (well almost everyone) dies. I think it would have been best for the story if one of detectives lived (or atleast make him die in a more epic way) getting shot from behind just seems like a bad way to die for the hero. You was headed in the right direction with the story but it just seemed up in the air (left to much open). The graphics are not bad but not good. Overall i give it a 4/10 and its not a bad 4/10 like i said, i like the idea but i think it could have been better, and dont take 4/10 as a low rating, i dont hand out 10/10 like its going out of style. Unlike most of the people at Newgrounds, if its good they give it a 10/10 if its bad they give it a 1/10. You need to save the 10/10 for the perfect, and i am not trying to be asshole or start a fight, thats just my opinion.

make a series that makes sense

or remake it cause this made no sense at all.

Indeimaus responds:

I'm sorry, you must be dumb.

I'll make a guy with black glasses be after a guy with red glasses because he doesnt like him, reckon your brain could handle that one?