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Reviews for "Song of Storms Remix [mod15]"

Needs some work

I can't say I enjoy this too much, although I can appreciate the music for its qualities. However, as you said, it needs a lot of work to really be amazing. It's nowhere near unique, and I think you could have done a lot more with this.


DJSpire responds:

It has qualities?

I personally don't think this is good at all, and if I still had the ability, I'd take it off NG.
But that was taken away from me when it hit 3000 listens.

I liked most parts but

I think that you should have used different intruments and i dont think it flowed very nicely.

I dont know what to say =0

It's a grait start, but you could improve this song alot. Don't get me wrong, it a good melody, but i think it could use more of a variety of instraments, plus alot could be done to fix up the drum beat. maybe even add in a bridge at 0:41. it would make it longer and keep the listaner's attention. hope this helps =)

DJSpire responds:

Dude, seriously.
This song sucks, and I'm not even going to attempt to say it doesn't.
IDGAF about making it better. It was a little piss-together. I didn't care a whole lot about it in the first place.

Though, I'd definitely suggest listening to my other music. >:D

Really good potential but...

There's that stupid beat that starts at 0:26. Now it only becomes a problem at the end of 0:41 when it starts to get irregular. Then it feels like a woodpecker is trying to get in through my headphones.

Honestly if you made with without that beat (or stopped the beat in question at 0:42, or make it not so damn annoying) I would give this a 9/10. I would really like to see you take another whack at this song. I imagine removing it would be the easiest for you if you have other projects you're working on... Hope to see more!

PS: i'd donate but i'm a student and thus so poor I have negative money.

DJSpire responds:

I wish I could remove it.
Like, seriously. It just won't let me. Because it has over 3000 views/listens. But I reeeaaalllllllyyy want to get rid of it.

I may eventually take another crack at it, but not right now. I've got a bigger project at the moment.
And I completely understand the negative money part. I'm a high school student.

On another note, if I do ever take another try, I'll send you a PM about it.

Moar bass.

Needs a better bump... Waited for the drop. But there wasnt any >>.