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Reviews for "Song of Storms Remix [mod15]"


Kid, you have a lot more things to worry about then "trolls and zero-bombers".

I'd elaborate, but Kr1z pretty much covered the main problems.

Still find it unbelievable that this is number 1 this week.


Started off okay, then just got worse and worse. Kriz said all that needs to be said.

This is hardly dnb.

No offence mate but if you want to really create drum and bass then i advise you to seriously to look at upcoming, underground and well established drum and bass artists and labels. I promote drum and bass so i suggest looking at established artists first or upcoming artists and how they progressed. I'm sure you've heard of radosh, i was the first real promoter to promote his work. Just follow the steps he did and you'l be on your way.

DJSpire responds:

See my response to KR1Z's review, especially the part about being generic. That is: I don't want to sound like every other artist. I want to be unique, individual. I don't want to be another clone of every other artist under the sun.

Also, when you say "no offence," firstly, it's misspelled, which makes me mistake you for being lazy or uneducated, and secondly, it means that you know what you're about to say will offend somebody, and you want to cover your ass.

How on Earth?

I have no clue as to how this made the top 5. To be honest, it is miles below satisfactory. I've just been through most of the reviews and also, your replies.

Let's discuss the song. The melody and harmony are just identical copies of the original, with some occasional "swirly things" thrown in at random. The same thing is just played over and over again.

The drums sounds like knocks. They're out of time and don't create an actual beat.

The mix is terrible. You can hardly hear the drums through the noise of the synths. There seems to have been no EQing on any instrument.

This song has no dynamics. Everything single sound is being played at the same volume throughout the entirety of the song. It is just plain boring to listen to. No depth or suspense it created. there's no lead up to anything. It's basically a plateau of sounds.


I've taken the time to listen to your other tracks also. They're nothing extraordinary. Also, you can stop telling people that you threw this together in an hour, because if you did, you would not have "freaked out" when it hit No. 1 spot on Newgrounds.

I know that this is not the place to judge people, but I feel I have to. Your attitude towards people with decent sense comes off as snobbish. You try to justify yourself for no reason when all people are doing is offering advice. You are allowed to be wrong you know.



I'll offer you some constructive advice here, seeing as you now think that this song is a load of rubbish.

-Get better samples (perc) or make your own
-Add some variation
-EQ EVERYTHING so that all the sounds sit nicely in the mix without interfering with each other
-Automate the volume of certain channels, or better yet, play with some filters to make things sound more interesting.
-Work on your structure. Have a distinct intro, middle and end. Build up to the chorus using filters, perc, pads, sweeps, etc.
-If you're going to remix a song, REMIX IT. You should give us the song the way YOU find it best. Not just directly copied and replayed 5-6 times.

I hope this is of some use to you. I'm not going to say "no offence", because all you'll say is "the only reason people say that is...blah blah blah...this is why I found it offensive...and not because of this" etc. I do mean to offend, for the better.

Someone had to say it like it is. I'm sorry. Good luck improving. 0/5 1/10

DJSpire responds:

In order:
I also have no clue how this made the Top 5, and yes, it is miles below satisfactory.

Yes, it is just a direct copy. Very good observation.

Didn't spend time mixing, was thrown together, obviously. So, you're absolutely correct, the mix IS terrible.

You say that there are no dynamics and that everything is played at the same volume. I will repeat what I've said before, would you like to see the working file and challenge me on that fact? Because I can email it to you.

If you've taken the time to listen to my other tracks, then for what reason have you not left comments on them? It's always helpful.

I did throw this together in an hour, and freaked out accordingly. I never thought it would make Top 5, so I freaked out. Not in a good way, to be honest. I was flipping shit, partially happy that my tracks would finally get noticed, but also kinda pissed that they'd get noticed because of this garbage.

You're acting as if you know me, saying I'm trying to justify myself for no reason, or implying that I have a superiority complex by implying that I don't think I can be wrong. This is an internet persona of me, it's not a representation of me in real life.

I do have better samples, and I have made my own. But since the rest of the song is lo-fi, why would I use HIq samples?
Again, thrown together, didn't really mix. Therefor, I didn't care about frequency clashes.
I do have structure. Just not on this song.

You put the comma inside the quotation marks, by the way. Glad you mean to offend, however, and that you're not trying to sugar coat it. Oh, wait, then you said, "I'm sorry."

Well, you WERE doing well, then that happened.

But really, thanks for the review. I just up-voted it, by the way. :)