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Reviews for "Song of Storms Remix [mod15]"

Okey dokieee

Well, you invited people to leave a comment whether they enjoyed the song or not. :/

Not to be mean, but this couldn't have taken you any more than a day to create. Spend more time on your stuff - Explore new techniques, tweak some sounds, learn something new! Add some automations (None of the instruments or samples varied in the slightest way. This results in a painfully MIDI-ish atmosphere.)

I noticed towards the end of the song you started to play around with the drums and stuff. That's a good sign, it shows that you put some of your creative energy into it. I gotta say, however, that the drum beat throughout the song makes no sense for the most part. It serves as more of a disturbance and takes more out of the song's rhythm than it puts in. Listen to some professional DnB songs and make an attempt at transcribing the drum patterns into whatever sequencer you use. It'll help!

I see that you've been making music for not even a year. The overall sound of this song is pretty typical I'd say for someone with your experience. Its not a bad thing at all. Despite all of my negative comments, I can definitely see the potential in you to become a good audio artist. Watch some tutorials online, listen intently to other peoples' tracks, and spend HOURS simply experimenting! Your experiments will eventually serve as inspiration or a basis in which a whole song can spawn from.

I've been working with FL Studio for about 7 years and I am entirely self taught through means of experimentation and trial/error techniques. I know that if I had invested in some proper education I'd be A LOT better than I've become, but I still think that I'm a pretty legit example of how far you can come with nothing more than experience.

Each new song that you make should have at least one thing to offer that you didn't know how to do in your last submission. If you keep this going, you've got nowhere to go but up, ya know?

Please don't take offense to any of this! I only mean it in the most encouraging way possible. Its not often that I bother to write a review for songs that I don't particularly enjoy. Keep making music and keep getting better! Good luck :)

DJSpire responds:

You really think none of the samples or instruments varied in the slightest? Would you like to see the FLP and challenge me on that? Because I can send it to you. Just PM me.

Into your second paragraph, you told me to transcribe the drum patterns. I've done that. The only problem with their pattern (it's 99.9% the Amen Break) is that it's in 4/4. Not 3/4. Which is what the Song of Storms is in. 3/4. Not 4/4.

And as I said to KR1Z and UnsignedUnderground, I don't want to be generic. I don't want to end up being a cookie-cutter producer. What will that do for me? Get my name lost in the memory of people who listen to my music. Because, now, if you see that little [mod15] tag at the end of a new submission, you'll wonder to yourself if I've improved at all. If I was all generic, and cookie cutter, then you'd never remember that I did anything in the first place.

And finally, as I said to KR1Z, the only reason people would say "no offense" or "Please don't take offense to any of this" is because they know what they've said or will say is potentially offensive.

It's not offensive, to me. Other than that you claim that there's no variation.
And, I've been making electronic music for longer than a year: I deleted my older submissions, or they're on my older account. But my primary stake in the music world is my orchestral compositions. I've been writing "real" music for upward of 7 years now, so this is a decently new foray for me.

Also, thank you. You're a lot more respectable when you're giving advice when you use proper grammar and spelling and pronunciation.


Hey :) I love the melody,
I used to play the Zelda games alot when I was a kid ^^
About this remix, there's some room for improvement imo, here's some stuff you could work on:

-Song structure.
Try putting in a more interesting structure, atm you have no real flow or whatso ever, theres no real direction. Try introducing a real intro, an actual buildup, a climax, a chorus, a variation part, an outro, stuff like that.

-The mix
Is ok, theres no real frequency interference issues so good job on that. However you could bring out a bit more of the lower end of the bass instruments, in order to have a fatter track, it is after drum and BASS ur aiming for, right? Also, you should mix the

-The drums
Bad. The samples you used are too simple to make a decent DnB song. The pattern isnt really dnb'ish. Try finding better samples for the kickdrum, the snare and the hihats. If they're not good enough, layer them to get the best sounds. Let them stand out by adjusting your mix. DnB is all about focussing on the drums and the bass, so make sure these stand out well.

-The bass
Bad. There's barely a noticable bass instrument. Look up on youtube how u can make specific bass patterns and isntruments on youtube, e.g. a "reese". Also add a subbass for better results.

-The melody
Feels like a straight midi rip. A true remix would use the chords, but with a different melody. Try giving your own interpretation of the song, your view of it, it becomes much more interesting than when u simply use EVERY exact note of the original melody.

-The lead
Too simple. Try introducing some variation, use multiple leads (perhaps background arp's / pads). Don't use the same lead over the entire song.

I can't imagine this being the best of the week, no offence

I hope your not offended by this review but you use the stuff I suggested to improve your future songs. Goodluck!


DJSpire responds:

Would you have felt better about the song had it been categorized as games rather than drum and bass?
Because it's not really about labeling genres so much as it is about listening to the song itself.

As for the drums, and the pattern not really being DnBish, just saying, go make a 3/4 time DnB pattern that works. 'Cause, the generic, all known DnB pattern, the Amen Break, is in 4/4. Which leads me to

The bass: As for a reese, I don't really want it. I don't want to be super-generic and sound like everybody else. I'm here to be creative, not to fall into the same near-sightedness that every other generic-sounding-music-producer in the world has. I don't want to have the same sounds, to be identical to the next guy over so far as what the song sounds like.

As for the melody: Not really a midi rip, though it is note accurate. Being a musician, I spent quite a bit of time listening for notes. I was actually derping around on a marimba at school, and figured out the key, mode, and the actual rhythm.

And, no offense, but when somebody says "no offense" it's because they know what they just said, or what they're about to say, will cause offense. And they know that what they just said, or what they're about to say, will make them seem like an asshole.

And I'm not offended by the review itself, only by the feeling I got that it was trying to put me into the same, generic mould. As in: "This is what this genre of music sounds like, there is no experimentation."

Lacks Creativity, Annoying thump for no reason

sorry to say, dude, but this isnt really DnB. And for a remix, it isnt so good. Its really just the Song of Storms, with a very annoying beat played over it... Seriously whats with that random tapping sound?
Thump, thump, thump
Thump, thump, thump
Thu-Thump, thump
I really couldnt bear this long enough to see if anything changes at the end.

DJSpire responds:

Maybe if you read the damn description, you'd see that I changed the genre.
Maybe if you looked at the genre on the page itself, instead of looking at the genre listed on the NG Audio page, you'd see that I changed the genre.

Grow a Pair of Nuts

Your a new audio producer, the production value on this is extremely sub-par, even for Newgrounds standards.

You probably feel mighty on your 3000 listen horse, dont. Kr1z and other reviewers on this song are extremely talented people who actually know what music is. Actually listen to their opinions instead of saying "hmph im better than you" when you are the complete opposite. (even if thats not what you meant that what you came off as).

The mixing hurts on this song, the melody took no effort to write (its from another song), the melody is extremely annoying, and it overall sucks. There is not one decent thing about this song.

Fanboys will suck long ugly throbbing VG dick, thats the only reason this shit is on the top. (whether you proxied or not aside)

I am not trolling, this song is seriously that bad. Learn from you mistakes.

DJSpire responds:

Jesus fucking Christ, I get it by this point that this piece of shit sucks.
God damn.

Let me say that this isn't a good representation of my abilities.
Actually go and listen to my other music before saying that I suck as a producer. Just saying, several professional musicians have given me the thumbs up on my other songs.

I made this in about an hour, I didn't spend a bunch of time on it.
My other stuff is otherwise, and it's noticeable.

Also, you act like you know me somehow. Saying that I probably feel might on my 3000 listen horse. I don't. Because I know this songs sucks. And I know that the 3000 listens is just a result of somehow making Top 5. I never expected for it to.


Pretty much what hyper said.

The song needs a lot of work.

You obviously think that this song is good (as suggested by your comment)
"Here's that epic remix of Song of Storms that I promised you guys"
Oh, and also, you can't expect people to pay you for this song ("Oh, and it's free, if you so choose. Or you can send some moolah my way, that would be highly appreciated.", in case you forgot)

Your general attitude towards the reviewers is appalling. Doesn't matter what your persona may be, it is highly influenced by the way you are in "RL"

Not a great song. Not bad. Not the best (by far). I think some of the reviews have been a bit harsh however. 2/5 3/10

DJSpire responds:

I don't think this song is good. Ever heard of a literary device called, "sarcasm?" I'm prolific with it. I'm a very facetious person on the internet. I don't expect people to pay me for THIS song, and I don't expect them to pay me for ANY song. It's just an option for people that enjoy my songs enough to provide me with a small amount of income.

And again, it's a persona. I can make it whatever I want, it has no correlation to myself in real life. I am a novelist, I create fake attitudes all the time. And I never once used, "RL," so don't quote that.

And it is most definitely a bad song, if you can't hear that, you need a check up of the ears. None of the reviews were particularly harsh, they could have simply been worded better.