GOOD except
very good game except may i make a few suggestions more enimes weapons and throw in like a bullettime mode with dodge and like give it a timer for 5secs or something PLEASE!ok well BYE!
GOOD except
very good game except may i make a few suggestions more enimes weapons and throw in like a bullettime mode with dodge and like give it a timer for 5secs or something PLEASE!ok well BYE!
good i guess
Better than the first one but that one wasnt very great either so.........
It was good, but I wish the attacks and movements were smoother, also different combos, weapons, would have helped. Based off all the innovative features that were displayed in the first I was just expecting a lot more depth, but nice upgrade overall.
Opps you did it again
You once again impressed me with this game, I wrote on the first on and I'm back to write on this one too, it was very good and I enjoyed it, as a person before me said it would make a good platformer and you could sell the game, only a few things if I may. Agreed on more weapons, also I'd like to see more enemies, not alot more but a few. other then that which are lil things here and there I give it ten stars and gratz on another good game, can't wait for a third.
this could be a platform game
u can make money off of this
sell it to real player