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Reviews for "Shape-a-licious"


I liked the game a lot, the concept is very original and the fact ur mouse can't touch the red (or blue) makes the game very fun i thnk
But the Challenge mode takes either to much of my comps memory or is glitchy
so whenever i move my mouse the entire scenery stops and the circles keep moving, and that when i move my mouse anywher on the screen

so keep up the jazzy gewd work! (and fix the lil kinks)

Oddgoo responds:

Its so sad to hear of glitches that never occurred to me, and not knowing how to fix them :(

hey buena

q bn q los latinos andemos ganando terreno un boton de mute plz!

esta bien

es un buen juego. un poco repetitivo. Que puedo decir. no es mi tipo de juego a mi me gustan los de plataformas.
La musica esta padre, como de lobby de hotel.

por cierto el boton de replay al final no sirve deberias de arreglarlo...

debe sentirse bonito eso del frontpage huh?

(by the way, dont go erasing my review, k? this dude is mexican and understands perfectly what Im saying)

Good thing there are many latinos around making cool stuff like this.

cya :)

Oddgoo responds:

Yes it feels awesome, thank you !


fun, quite liked the graphics although on the challenge i lost health when half way between the walls though, might just be my computer though :)


Although this is a pretty good game, there were some things you could improve on.
The learning curve was too steep for me, and I don't understand why you can't grab something and let it touch you.
The sound was okay and the graphics were good.
Nice game.