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Reviews for "Submachine 5: the root"

In My Opinion, BEST GAME EVER!

This series was good from the start, and the implement of secrets makes the game even better, I noticed that instead of having to find ALL 20 secrets (Sub2) You had only five secrets, and every fact cost (Basically) 1 secret. But about the game, I really liked how you used the cipher plates (That was supposed to be, like, a primative transport system, right?) and how the rooms coincided with one another, but i have to ask, what was the purpose of the bathroom? And how many more sub-machines games are you gonna make? Or are you just gonna stop when you feel like it? Perfect Game! - 5/5 & 10/10 - KamiCosmic

definitely worth playing

my favorite point and click (-series) by far.
challenging, addictive, good atmosphere by courtesy of audio ambience and graphics, and a reward (yay :D !) commenting the game's development
what can i expect more from such a game ? nothing.
i can't wait for the 6th part. keep'em up !

p.s.: i finished it without making use of the observation room (apart from picking something up). is that normal ;D ?


Well Done.

Impatiently awating the sequel.

I liked this game. It didn't seem as long as the others, (and not quite as long or deep as I was hoping) but was still very good. I love the slightly irritating way that you make it obvious that it is impossible to access some of the areas of the submachine. (for now, at least)

In response to the commentary at the end about the cypher plates, there aren't as many combinations as you'd think. Let's figure it out:
6 plates and empty slots that count as zero, making it 7 in total,
2 slots,
for each combination, there is a mirror cobination as well. eg. 6,5 = 5,6
so... 6,5 6,4 6,3... 6,0 but in the next line, we skip 6
5,4 5,3 5,2...
eventually, we get: 6+5+4+3+2+1=21
this is doubled due to the mirror combinations: 21*2=42
Almost forgot... add the one (0,0) 42+1=43.

So... if you were to remove the seven we have now,
43-7=36 unexplored rooms. That sounds like a reasonable number of rooms to add to the sequel. :-)

Even if you ignore the Cypher plates, there are still other rooms with unpassable obstacles, such as spikes or pointlessly interactive panels and buttons.

So... would it be safe to say we can expect a return to the root at some point in the future?


so cool!