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Reviews for "Black Sails"


the ship dissapeared on me???

The begining is too hard....

The game is excellent but i died several time for nothing just for not knowning what the fuck i was fighting against.....


Its very strategic (which makes it fun) and the feeling of conquest is fun. I wish it was more than the carribean. Too bad i've already played on another site months ago on another site...

Almost great

A few annoyances killed what could've been a really great game. Ship battles desperately needs a minimap or better AI--it's no fun entering a 2-ship battle, killing the first enemy, then spending 10+ minutes sailing around trying to find the other one who is too dumb to come after you. Bumping up ship speed could also make the battles less frustrating.

Also, the towns are sort of pointless. It makes for a bit of eye candy, but having to walk back and forth between the different shops is a waste of time when a simple shopping menu is all that's really needed. That or have the guy walk faster, and have the shops accessible all around rather than just at the "entrance".

well it's a good start but

I have played it and it is good and bad

bad because there is no mini map for battles

good because it's fun