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Reviews for "B7 Lance Battle Final Remaster"


I very much enjoyed this! I usually find it hard to listen to remastered versions of old school gaming tunes, but I definitely enjoyed this one!

Burn7 responds:

Thanks for giving it a listen, I'm glad you still appreciated it regardless :D


I like how you put some of the original in there as well.
It's okay, if you like that sort of thing.

it's good

the epicness is notable. but i can ear a noise in the first part (in the drastical change) but is great, congratulations! ... I mexican sorry for my inglish xD
the epic battle remastered!!!!!!

Teh synth

The synth sounded stronger in the beginning, I would have liked it if the synth kept some of that strength during the solos after 2:27 and 2:43. The spacey sound effects on the guitar at 2:37 and the panning around 3:05 came thiiiiss close to being a turn off but in the end they weren't.

Burn7 responds:

I would have liked to have brought out the synths more often in the mix, but I tried to keep most everybody happy with the way it sounds. Some people like the synths, some people like the metal and guitars. So I had to find a balance that would make most everyone happy. It's something I have to do in a lot of my covers is find that balance. It's really difficult sometimes, but I do try way freakin' hard.

You Scare Me....
Wheres the F@#%in' hyper beam sound effects?!
Wheres the screech of the dying opposition as Lance wrecks your failed pokemon?
Where the F@#$ is the cry of pikachu getting his little yellow ass kicked?

Just as brutal as the others you put forth...and of course, your reasoning for not being able to add the effects = Rules...BLAH!

Oh well, you still have my fist of approval to the face of Pikachu \m/