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Reviews for "you can't kill me"

Haha, god I love you

This was hilarious for some reason. It's about midnight here, and I laughed. Not caring if I woke up my dad and brother. That was funny for some unknown reason.

Also, just a quick question about the guy's shirt. I was just wondering how it was always kept the same straight lines. Did you use masking effects, or did you always keep the lines at the same level? Whatever you did, I would like to know for future flashes.

Good job, it really made my midnight.

rtil responds:

it is indeed masking. stripe texture being masked, then filled in the outlines of his shirt on the mask layer.takes some extra work but it's a cool look. thanks for the review :)

this is awsome make more these are good

dude this was good really good


I rather liked this. It's so very, painfully true. This sort of thing happens on many forums. I'm glad to see this submission so perfectly illustrate the hyprocritical, double standards that go on in the internet community. Well done.

It's pieces like these.

See, it's works like these that make people think two things: 1. "Wow! this was a really cool video....The ending freaked the hell out of me and I'll probably have nightmares because of it, but it was still cool!" and 2." Wow....We really do live in such a corrupt society, don't we?" It was a pleasure for the sense and came with a message. Well done all round! keep it up, dude!


Good animation,
certain people do seem get more leverage then others...
it's kinda stupid how that seems to happen... anyway 10/10 Gj