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Reviews for "you can't kill me"

loved it

i hope they get the message


I rather liked this. It's so very, painfully true. This sort of thing happens on many forums. I'm glad to see this submission so perfectly illustrate the hyprocritical, double standards that go on in the internet community. Well done.

One of the best Flash movies to grace this site.

I can completely understand what you mean by being unfairly banned.

I've been called various names that would not be permitted to mention on a Newgrounds review, flamed, trolled, had my sites hacked, my picture ruthlessly mocked, and confidential information posted in threads, then after all these events, I end up being banned or forced out. I will mention that *none* of this was on Newgrounds, so I don't want someone reading this review to get the wrong impression. I understand that feeling you express all too well.

I wish I could animate, act, and direct something as well as you could. But your Flash has a universal appeal beyond your specific situation. It appeals to all of us who were unfairly marginalized simply because we thought something was wrong and spoke up.

Thank you for making this.

And I thought dA had issues.

I guess you can just rely on people of smaller and generic organizations like that being full of their own crap. Whatever... I've never had any interest or respect for sheezy. Newgrounds is an infinitely better host for flashes with a community that at least manages to police itself, and you can usually rely on the stuff you submit to dA *staying* there, even if it contradicts the site's opinion. On the subject of reviewing the flash, the shirt texture was kind of cheap, but the facial expressions were great, especially the end there.

Stick it to 'em?

Pretty iteresting

Pretty good animation and also a pretty funny story. Keep it up