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Reviews for "Dante's Inferno: Canto I"

Excellent Work

I have to say that I was quite impressed and amazed at this flash that you put together. I think an animated telling of The Divine Comedy (or at least Part 1 of it, Dante's Inferno) would be quite impressive. I've never read the story, but as someone who is interested in the occult and the mystic, I would love to see an animated version that delves deeper into the story, especially the Circles of Hell.

I know your school schedule keeps you busy, but I think you could create a real masterpiece by animating the entire piece of work. Best of all, no copyright infrigement since this sucker is DEFINITLY public domain!

I thought the graphics and style were VERY well done. Sound needs a little clean up as far as voices go, but the music is FANTASTIC!

Not much violence, not much interactivity, and Dante's "GULP" made up for a bit of the humor. But to me, that's okay since this serious piece of work was QUITE wonderful.

I do hope that you do decide to make the rest of the Cantos and animate them. I know that I'll be watching to see if you do and promise to watch ALL that you make.

Please keep it up and thank you for animating this. This will make sharing the Divine Comedy with my friends much easier.

And can you add a Subtitle option? That would be awesome, just in case I try sharing this with friends who are deaf or have no sound on their PC.

Thanks again for making this great piece of art!


Excellent Work

Please continue to do the cantos from Inferno. Your work is really good.

You did very well. Please make more of these.

One word. Fuckingshitcrazyasslocoawesome .


That was beautiful........ seriously, when I saw someone was trying to do a flash of Dante's inferno, I assumed I was going to be disappointed (I kind of hold a higher standard when it comes to remaking the classics.....) But this was very good! and I like the message at the end going back and forth about continueing..... very monty pythonish..........


Nel mezzo di cammin di nostra vita, mi ritrovai per una selva oscura e la diritta via era smarrita; ahi, quanto dir qual era e cosa dura esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte che nel pensier rinova la paura...

That was Incredible! about time that someone posted something of this quality about something that is diffrenet from the usual "ZOMG PARODYI" or " TEH STIXXORZ"..

anyway bravo again, and please, make another one, at leat jump to the most important parts in the Divina Commedia ( like when Dante and Virgilio encounter Ulisse or when they get to Lucifer...)

again, congrats.

this is defintley going to my favourites.

fatti non foste per viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza